Thank you to everyone who prayed for my nephew and family. Just got a call from my sister, she said they were able to take him off the oxygen, but he is still throwing up pretty bad, they will be keeping for the night and go from there. They think the dosage of seizure medication he has been on, he's outgrown Doc's will be working on getting it straightened out.
My sister said it was really strange.... but all of sudden he was doing remarkably better. I told her, I had put a post to my friends
at OH to please pray for him, she said it is working, Thank God!

Connie and Michelle,
Thanks for your prayers and concerns...John is 13 yrs old, he has cerebrel palsy and last year they had to put in a feeding tube, because he could hardly eat or get fluids in. Since then, he has put on weight thankfully, but that means he seizures medication is no longer effective and his meds is having to be changed he out grows the dosage and that can cause the grand mal seizures.
The last one he had was in November but last spring he almost died because he asparated and started to turn blue.... so everytime he has one, we are always afraid this may end his life.
Sorry to be so morbid, it is just a possible reality.