Hello from Tucson!
And a belated Merry Christmas! I hope Santa was generous because you are all so good! Thanks, Barb, for arranging the 'meet and greet'! It was truly awesome to meet you guys! You are all so inspiring and are exactly as I figured you'd be--friendly, chatty, warm and loveable! It was soooo great to put faces to names! I hope that another coffee klatsch can happen on the 1st when we hit Minneapolis/St Paul on the way back. God only knows when I'll be making another trip south. We are enjoying being here in Arizona with my sister and her family. Nancy is the consummate hostess! While being out of the snow is a novelty for us, Nancy is looking for a job in the Midwest to be closer to family. All the more reason to enjoy the sunshine and warmer temperatures! Mornings have been COOL--like 30*F but rising to high 60s in the afternoon. I must admit that I have been wearing long sleeves most of the time here. And Quin has not even attempted to swim in the unheated backyard pool. I guess freezing his gonads off 2 years in 50* pool water has taught him a lesson about swimming in winter in AZ! I won't be able to reply to any answers to this message, as this computer is excruciatingly slow and takes bloody forever to type anything. I have been hitting this site every few days---and thanks to you ladies for the kind and wonderful words about meeting me and my son! He too thought you were a great bunch! Anyway--gotta go and head to Target to check out baby stuff. OH yeah--- I'm a grandma again! My oldest son and his wife had a baby boy on Dec 19 at 7:12AM. Bay Gaius (pronounced GUY-US) Cade McEachern weighed 7.5 LBS. and measured 21.5" long. Amanda had him at home with the midwife in attendance. Daddy was a good and supportive coach. This little bundle of joy looks so much like Quin did as a newborn. Funny how genetics work! Before I forget to mention this--AWESOME NEW AVATARS!! Take care, and God bless! (((HUG)) **SUE**
~Sandie~ -147!!WLS:12-12-06:Preop 268,Ht.5'4",BMI 44.9
Click on link to see my journey!!!
"Do unto others as you'd have done to you"~ The Golden Rule to Live by!
You are what you EAT and WHO you hang out with! Choices=Outcome~ what's YOUR choice??
I'm not perfect but I am going to die trying!!!