Anyone ever fought an exclusion and won?
I have that situation as well as I carry my medical insurance though hubby's work and his employer excludes it. In our case, we were told the company has never reversed their decision so we felt it was not worth the fight or stress. For me, I had the option to open enroll in my company's insurance and so I am pursuing that instead. Do you have a spouse you can take insurance through and which might cover WLS?
I know that may not offer you the hope you were looking for, but if you feel that there are any loop holes in how the exclusion is written, then I say GO FOR IT! Your surgeon's office should be able to help you with an appeal, too.
Best wishes!
I fought for two years and won, and mine wasn't an exclusion! I did hire a lawyer who helped me ALOT!

Blessed are those who can give without remembering
And take without forgetting.
Don't take life too seriously; No one gets out alive.
May You Fly with Eagles
Run with Wolves
Walk with Buffalos
Always be my Friend
And take without forgetting.
Don't take life too seriously; No one gets out alive.
May You Fly with Eagles
Run with Wolves
Walk with Buffalos
Always be my Friend