Confused.....hard after RNY?
Hugs ~ Lisa
Well behaved women rarely make history!
305/296/147/150 159 pounds down 3 lbs below goal!
Highest weight/day of surgery/current weight/goal weight
Hugs ~ Lisa
Well behaved women rarely make history!
305/296/147/150 159 pounds down 3 lbs below goal!
Highest weight/day of surgery/current weight/goal weight
~Sandie~ -147!!WLS:12-12-06:Preop 268,Ht.5'4",BMI 44.9
Click on link to see my journey!!!
"Do unto others as you'd have done to you"~ The Golden Rule to Live by!
You are what you EAT and WHO you hang out with! Choices=Outcome~ what's YOUR choice??
I'm not perfect but I am going to die trying!!!
on 12/18/07 6:53 am - MN
I'll be brutally honest with you. This could possibly one of the hardest things that you will ever do for yourself. For some it's easier, with others its more difficult. I had surgery 8 1/2 months ago and am down 105 pounds. The last 5 have taken over 3 months to shed. Unlike many others, I still see this as a diet. It's about restriction and limiting yourself - just like any old diet. The plus side is that you're given this tool to help you manage the diet. You're only able to eat so much, you can get sick when you eat too fast or too much or the wrong thing and your body is only able to absorb so much of what you eat. I've pushed the limits of testing and dumping is a daily event for me and I've learned to deal with the consequences at a tolerable level. Although, I still stay away from the foods that make me miserable when I dump. Because of this though, I've learned that I have an eating disorder and some other issues (i.e., complusion, ADD) that I need to deal with that cause me to want to eat even when I'm not hungry. I'm getting myself into therapy because I really DO want this tool to work for me and I want to be thin"ner" some day. I don't want this to be a yo-yo AGAIN! So to tell you the truth, RNY is HARD. Just as hard if not harder than any other diet. You have family and friends judging you because you're going to such drastic extremes to try and once again lose the weight. After surgery, they will watch every morsel you put in your mouth and at times they will watch you with the expectation that you will once again fail, because you have EVERY other time you tried to lose weight. With all that said, would I have surgery again? Absolutely. At the weight I began at, the chances of me losing weight any other way and maintaining that weight loss is miniscual. It just isn't successful. For me, losing weight isn't about controling what I put in my mouth, it's all about how screwed up my head is. I've learned that I truly need to fix my head if I'm going to be successful. I don't plan on failing. If this is similar to your journey, I STRONGLY suggest that you work through those things as soon as possible - even before surgery. I believe it's the head stuff that is going to help you succeed, because the tool can only restrict what and how much you put in your mouth and even after a while you can push your limits. Your head is what's going to keep you honest and keep you from sabatoging your efforts. Please remember that this is just MY experience and everyone is EXTREMELY different and has a unique experience of their own. I just share what I did, because I'd hate to sugar coat this and lead you to believe that this is a magic bullet that will cure everything. It's not, it's hard work and at times, especially around the holidays, it's going to test your limits. However, there are far more people having success with the weight loss than not. Just remember to set your goals realistically and you WILL succeed! I highly recommend this surgery to anyone who fully understands the journey their partaking in. But this surgery ain't for sissies! I wish you the best of luck in your journey! It is by far the greatest gift you could ever give yourself! Love and good intentions!
Welcome to the boards, and this incredible roller coaster ride you are about to embark on. I would like to share the fact that even though I did suffer complications, some pretty serious ones, I do not regret this surgery at all, and even if I knew what the outcome would be, and what I would have to go through, I would STILL do it. I have regained my health, my body, and my life. This is by no means an "easy" way to loose weight, it is just a quick way. You have to change your life, but you will soon see it is SOOOO worth it with the results you will obtain. Feel free to pm with any questions!

Hello Lisa and Welcome to the MN board. Everyone else has said it all pretty well. This is not an easy thing to do. It is quick weight loss but there is so much more to it then that.
I have been one of the lucky ones. I had complications with surgery but once I got home things have gone great for me. I haven't experienced the dumping and vomiting and the gas pain etc. that so many others have dealt with. It has been smooth sailing so far. I am almost 4 months out and have lost about 80 pounds. I feel wonderful. Would I do it a heartbeat! Good luck with your decision. Hugs, connie d