Triwest miraculously gave approval within 2 days for the RNY. I had tried to get approval in 2000 for lap band surgery and was turned down. I think going through the right process and a good hospital was my ticket this time! Also, having the catastophic cap of $3000 was great!
I wish you success on your journey

Thanks! I originally wanted the lap band also, but my husband found out from tricare that they NEVER approve lapbands. Though I did hear of a couple that were done, but at a military hospital too. I am over 100 lbs. over weight, I have cerbal palsey and my knee's crack everytime I take a step. I cant go too far in walking without my legs being in sever pain. I could maybe walk a block without it hurting.......maybe. Anyway, I will be going back Jan. 9th to see the diatician for the 4th time, hoping I can see the surgeon after that. How many times did you see the diatician? Psyc told me to see the diatician a couple more times.