4 wk Check-Up!!
Hi everyone!!
Well, yesterday was my 4 week check up (4 days early, but that's ok) I am actually able to eat food now! I started this journey at 229lbs, day of surgery I was 218, and yesterday I was 203!! Can't complain about the weight loss that's for sure...but most exciting is I am down from 5 BP meds to just 2 and my BP is great at 107/60!! My ankles.....yeah...I actually have ankles now, not those swollen, huge looking things, and my shoes are loose too, I suppose since the swelling-water retention is down...and to think it's only been 26 days since surgery! WOW
I did, however have the flu this week...talk about knocking you down! I had to take a few days off work, and with the little pouch, it hurt soooo bad. It's day 5 and I'm feeling some better...I so want to try and eat today now that I can, but I'm scared! EVERYONE do what you can to protect yourself from this virus, I'm sure it's nasty for all, but for those of us with tiny pouches....it's really har**** produces a lot of gas and bloating too. I don't wish this feeling on anyone of us!!! Please take care of yourselves!!
Thanks for reading my update!!
Hey Sherry!! 4 weeks already? Wow how time flies!!! And congrats on the huge weight loss!! At that rate its almost a pound a day!!! When was the last time you were able to do that? And the meds is awesome, huh!!! Isn't it wonderful to finally be free of those meds??? You are doing an awesome job!!! Keep it up!!
Sorry you got the flu. I went ahead and got aflu shot about a month ago and am so glad I did!! Hope you are feeling better and on the mend!!!
Take care sweety!!
Sherry, I feel your pain with the flu bug! I am still not 100% and it has been 6 days now. As for your weight loss, way to work your tool. Enjoy the mushy foods all 1oz at a time of them lol. That is so awsome about the meds, hopefully you can get down to 1 or none in the future. Just think, soon you can try that cheesecake recipe! Enjoy the ride, it goes so fast.

Congrats!!! Sounds like you are doing wonderfully!!! I can't wait to get off my BP meds. The only meds I'll have to be on afterwards is my thyroid, since I don't have one. I am 2 weeks today since my surgery. I'm getting a little disgusted, but after talking to my nutritionist today, I'm feeling a bit better. Going into the surgery I was 248, and the day I came home, 3 days later I was 230. Today I am 229. So I basically have lost 1 lb since coming home. I thought good grief, after eating low fat, sugar free, fish and chicken for the past 2 weeks, and only 1 lb!!! But she assured me that my rapid weight loss at the beginning put my body into shock mode, and said it will start to come off again soon. I hope so!!! The nice thing is, I have ankles, too!! LOL!!
Glad you're feeling better, I couldn't imagine having the flu right now.