3 Steps to Maintain Your Program during the Holidays
Three Steps to Maintain Your Program during the Holidays
by Katie Jay, MSW, Certified Life Coach
Director, National Association for Weight Loss Surgery
Yes, I know it is challenging to stay in control of your WLS
lifestyle during the holidays, but believe it or not you have
a choice. The choice is:
Take responsibility for yourself or give it away to someone
or something else.
The reality is we all have a choice about how we respond to
the traditions of the holidays. The choice is not between
deprivation and indulgence. Far from it.
The choice is between inner peace and inner turmoil. Self
satisfaction versus self loathing. Taking charge versus playing
the role of a victim.
I don't want to gain weight or feel the shame of eating
indulgences over the holidays. And I am sure you don't either.
So, I have decided to try something different. I'm taking three
steps to help me maintain control during the holidays. Why don't
you try them with me?
1. Commit to being in charge: I will manage my own eating,
instead of allowing or depending on others to manage it.
We don't have to eat to please others, even though we may have
done that in the past. We don't have to let family members or
friends guilt us into eating. I can say no to offers of
inappropriate food. I can refuse to allow someone else to
manipulate me into eating so they can feel good about themselves.
I want to feel good about myself!
I've noticed when I say no like I really mean it, very few
people argue with me.
2. Focus on the fun, not the food: As much as possible I will
eat ONLY at home. This may sound crazy, but at home I don't
have to think about whether or not a buffet item fits into
my food plan or how much of my restaurant meal I'll leave
on my plate for the to-go box or which cookie to taste.
If I am invited to a party or event, I will make every
effort to go home and eat a satisfying protein-based
meal first. And later, at the event, I will say something
like, "I'm sorry, I'm not hungry. But I hope you don't mind
if I stay and enjoy the socializing. That's the best part!"
I will tell myself to have fun, not food.
3. Incorporate extra activity into each day: During the
holidays it's easy for my schedule to fill up. So, I will
make activity a part of my daily routine and block out the
time on my calendar -- in INK. Like sleeping and brushing
my teeth, it will be non-negotiable. Each day, I will walk
my dog an extra few minutes, park at the far side of the
mall when I go holiday shopping, do an exercise video, or
do weight training -- even if I have to get up earlier to
fit it into my day.
While I can think of many excuses not to follow these three
steps, in reality, there is no reason I can't give them a try.
I am not going to rationalize why these steps are not going
to work for me, because I know that rationalization is a way
to stay in denial. Instead I'm going to take an "I will"
By taking charge, focusing on non-food fun, and incorporating
more activity into my days I will make this holiday season
memorable -- and guilt free!
Hang in there :o)
Katie Jay
I'm just past my syrgery date to even want anything this year.
But I think I'll use a picture of myself pre-op in a locket and carry it in one hand, and put a champagne glass (filled with water now) in the other. In order to pick up any food and be mindlessly eating stuff I know I should not have, I'd have to put one down. That would remind me not to do it!!!!
Who else has any ideas???? Let's post them!!!!
Thanks for sharing Farrah! Since this is the first Christmas that I can eat (last Crhistmas was just broth, ect.)!
~Sandie~ -147!!WLS:12-12-06:Preop 268,Ht.5'4",BMI 44.9
Click on link to see my journey!!!
"Do unto others as you'd have done to you"~ The Golden Rule to Live by!
You are what you EAT and WHO you hang out with! Choices=Outcome~ what's YOUR choice??
I'm not perfect but I am going to die trying!!!
Hi Farrah, thank you very much for the 'sanity' break! It was strange a year ago, being five months out with no appetite whatsoever. The appetite began ro resurface around eight months out, and feel blessed to have gotten a firm grip (pun unintended) on healthy eating and exercise habits. I do not get tempted at all, as I don't deny myself teeny 'tastes of the season', as I've become so carb-a-phobic, not wanting an iota of sugar. fat, nor white simple carbs to land on my new-slim hip-free body.
How fabulous we're now able to focus on the social, aspects, rather than the food. Barb, I literally chuckled out loud when readingyour plan to carry a pre-surgery photo in one hand, and a champagne glass of water in the other! Fantastic pro-action!
Best wishes to each any everyone during this glorious season! Hugs galore, Patti
Never let your memories be greater than your dreams.