Christi!! How was your...

~Sandie~ -147!!WLS:12-12-06:Preop 268,Ht.5'4",BMI 44.9
Click on link to see my journey!!!
"Do unto others as you'd have done to you"~ The Golden Rule to Live by!
You are what you EAT and WHO you hang out with! Choices=Outcome~ what's YOUR choice??
I'm not perfect but I am going to die trying!!!
Returning to work went just fine. I had told everybody at my clinic that I was having this surgery, so they did ask me few questions, but it was pretty much back to work as usual. I think some of them are worried about overstepping, and maybe some feel that I did a pretty extreme (unecessary?) thing. I don't know that any feel that way, nobody has said anything negative really, but there seems to be some hesitation. My supervisor was very open to talking to me about it. He seems to be very interested in this healing process, and in how I deal with things, like being around food and such. It's nice to have somebody who is interested, who asks questions, and *****ally seems to want to understand (he and his wife have a friend who did this also, so he's got some awareness). I think that's probably the hardest part, is trying to explain the why's and how's to people who are holding back for some reason. Friends and family can be the same way. Like I said, most of them, I think, may be just worried about privacy issues, but I want to be open with the people I deal with every day, if they want to know. I guess, too, that I'm lucky that I work with people who get along as well as we do, and who do care about each other (hey, not trying to say we have perfect relationships), so it wasn't scary to return to work. Bet you didn't expect an essay answer. Me neither, but once I started typing, I find I have a ton of stuff to say. Anyway, supervisor told me that he could tell I had lost some. I am chosing not to tell anybody how much total yet, or how much I'm hoping to lose. I'm not ready to vocalize to them the full extent of my excess. I haven't given my family any real numbers either. I drank some yogurt, and some water, did get in what I needed for the morning. Remembering to sip isn't too hard. My energy level kept wavering back and forth. I decided 6 out of 10 hours was enough for the first day back, so I did leave early and took a nap when I got home. I stopped at Cub (by my work), trying to find some caramel Torini SF syrup, and that wasn't quite as painful as the trip to my Cub, yesterday. I've been getting phantom hunger, anger, headaches and nausea when I go into a grocery store. BTW, anybody know where I can walk into a store and buy the SF caramel syrup these days, preferably close to the midway, or Rosedale area? So far both stores are sold out, and I don't want to keep going into grocery stores if I don't have to. My abs were a bit sore. A lot of movement from sitting to standing and back again. But I think I'm going to shoot for a full day on Wed. Tuesday's are short days anyway, so tomorrow will be much like today. I am a bit worried about lunch on Wednesday. I'll probably take some protein loaded tomato soup to drink, but it's clinic meeting over lunch day, so I'll have to sit and smell real food, and watch people eat. I'm worried about that. I could smell their lunches today, and it did set my head into thinking I needed food, but it wasn't painful, or hard to deal with. I'm sure I'll be fine, but I do worry. Question. I did find that I had a lot of gas issues today. I had GasX with me, and took plenty of it, but it really didn't help. Anybody have any ideas that may help with this problem? Well, thanks for reading!

Imperfect does not = unsuccessful