Happy Friday...:o)~

*~ Dayner Dee ~*
on 11/29/07 7:04 pm, edited 11/29/07 7:06 pm - East Burbs, MN
Howdy folks!  TGIF..!!  Wow what a week! Had a nice stretch of days off from TJ's and loafed all I could..LOL..!  I work tonight and tomorrow so all is good! Spare a prayer...?  Long story short our dear Jen is experiencing college life to the fullest.  Not to go into details but she needs guidance and I need wisdom and peace to let things go. OK.. SO.. Whats on store for your weekend?  I get to work tomorrow then have a nice quite evening with my dear hubby.  Sunday is our Christmas outing for work..  Bossman got a SUITE for the VIkings game!!  WooooooooooHooooooooo..  Gonna enjoy the game and maybe, hopefully do some team bonding with the co-workers.   Hope you all have a wonderfully blessed weekend..  Looks like us central Minnesotans will be getting in on a little weather this weekend so safe travels to you all!



Sandra N.
on 11/29/07 9:31 pm - MN
Let me be the first to say.....YOU have my prayers!!!  As for my weekend:  I leave in a few minutes to go get a tooth pulled, I don't like dentists(not them as a person but perfession).  Then tomorrow it's up nort(I love saying that)!  Then church and back here! woo hooo!  Have a great weeekend all!

 ~Sandie~ -147!!WLS:12-12-06:Preop 268,Ht.5'4",BMI 44.9
  Click on link to see my journey!!! 

"Do unto others as you'd have done to you"~ The Golden Rule to Live by!
You are what you EAT and WHO you hang out with!  Choices=Outcome~ what's YOUR choice??
I'm not perfect but I am going to die trying!!!


Karen H.
on 11/29/07 10:47 pm - Minneapolis, MN
Dana, Adjusting to the freedoms of college dorm life are difficult. Jen has a good head on her shoulders,  just look at her MOM!!! After a time of wild behavior, (no offense meant) I am sure she will settle down. I AM JEALOUS!!! Have a great time in the suite at the game. Raiders ere my favorite team for years and years, (watched them the winter preggo with Laurie). HUGS, Karen
ONE session at a time is all I can do, multitasking is a fine art that I am still trying to master.  
on 11/29/07 11:09 pm - sw burbs, MN
Good Morning You have my prayers dollface!!!  Sounds like she is doing the normal freshman thing.   For my weekend it is work , we are behind at the office and I have some stuff to complete.  Then I hope to stay in the house out of the snow storm.  I would like to go sledding for a bit on Sunday - doesn't that sound like fun???   Enjoy your weekend and remember Jen is God's child, He will take good care of her! xoxoxoxoxo
Missy W.
on 11/29/07 11:35 pm - Cloquet, MN
Im so jealous! I have never been to a game before!

I will remember your daughter in my prayers, and you!

Well tomorrow is family swim day at Alana's swim lessons so I should go to that. Although I do not want to be in a swimsuit! LOL! Then going Christmas shopping with a friend. Church on satuday night, my turn to bake for it..
Sunday we are going to see santa at my work. THats about it. Fun Fun Fun! LOL!

Have a wonderful weekend all!!
on 11/29/07 11:51 pm - Thunder Bay, Canada
Good morning, Dana Sweetie! I'll keep your family in my prayers.  Kids!!  Sheesh!! Did you guys get snow?  We now have about 4" accumulation.  Looks like Christmas! My weekend will be spend STUDYING for a final exam on Tuesday.  In between I PLAN (will I actually get 'around tuit'?) on baking batches of biscotti for Christmas gifts. (starving student...).  And I SHOULD dust this place.  The cat is writing her name in the dust bunnies! So if you could say a  prayer or two for RETENTION of KNOWLEDGE I'd sure appreciate it! I Soooooo wish we could connect on the 17th....***SIGH*** ((HUG))) **SUE**
on 11/30/07 1:09 am - Reno, NV

Hi Dana

I will keep you guys in my prayers. It is soooo hard to go thru the trials and tribulations that our young adult daughter put us thru. Hang in there. I know it's hard to let go and to admit that they are adults now. Unfortunately, they will make mistakes.....just like we did. The best we can do is guide them "gently" through these times, let them know you are there for them and that you love them. They do eventually find their way. And, it's the greatest thing, once they do get a few years older, to have them come to you and say, "Hey mom, thanks for raising me the way you did, letting me learn from my mistakes and caring and loving me so much, through all of my craziness." As for my weekend, Brian and Irene are here visiting.....bringing me a piece of Minnesota We're going to see a movie tomorrow, dinner with them and our new friends out here, Russ and Pat. Sunday, off to the Peppermill Casino to watch the Vikings game. Gotta love the sportsbook at the casinos. They have like 100 plasma tv's to watch ALL the footballs games.  Woohoo!!! Have a great time at the game!!! Hugs Peggy

Connie D.
on 11/30/07 7:07 am
Hello Dana.....yes it is great that Friday is finally here.  WOOHOOO!! I had a busy work week. I was supposed to have the day off but my Boss called and had me do some extra work for him...ugh. But then the more hours I put in this week the less I have to work next week....YAY!!! I am hoping to get my Christmas decorations and tree into the house tomorrow and get that done while I watch the snow fall. I don't plan on doing a whole lot this weekend. I am glad I will be home and not out of town for a change. If the weather is okay I am supposed to go out with freinds tomorrow night. You know I will say prayers for you and for your daughter....hope things work out for both of you!! Enjoy the game!! Hugs, connie d
Darla S.
on 11/30/07 12:38 pm - Maple Grove, MN

Fear not, Dana, dear - if I survived Mankato, I'm confident your Jen can as well.  Just be sure to give her your unconditional love every chance you get, which I know you do. Tomorrow is coffee in the am, then I'm HOPING we'll go cut our tree in the afternoon!  (It's WAY more fun when they're covered with snow, and you have to SHAKE the snow off to get a really good look at the tree underneath!)  Sunday I will string the lights on the tree after church, then I'm off for more COFFEE with another dear friend while the chilluns decorate the tree!   Hmmm.... methinks I need to fit a trip to Fleet Farm in there somewhere, I NEED ME SOME VINTER UNDERVEAR!!!  Apparently, flubber does serve a purpose, 'cuz I'm freakin' COLD!!!   ALL.  THE.  TIME.  And I can't WAIT to go tubing at Elm Creek!!!

 Sleigh 2 

  Imperfect does not = unsuccessful

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