Where are you in your journey??
Hey Peggy,
I know what you mean about weight gain. I'm three years out now and up about 18 pounds from my lowest. I really am getting frustrated with myself for the gain. I want to take it off and get things under control before I gain more. What are our portions for being further out? I still get hicupps and I pay attention to that. Sometimes I stop before the hicupp because I think I'm full but then a couple hours go by and I'm hungry again. Rachel
Hi Rachel
I'm sorry that you're struggling too. It sure is an every day battle isn't it?
For me, my portions at meals haven't changed any, even at 5 years out. My biggest struggle is with the in-between meals eating, mostly the emotional eating. It was the most stressful for me when we moved out here. It was so hard to leave my family and all my wls friends. I went through a depression for the first 7 months of being in Sacramento. Once we moved to Reno, I really started to feel better and slowly came out of the depression. I really love it here now. We've made some friends, met some wls people here and Ken's job is going great. I just started watching the between meal snacking, started exercising more and slowly, that seemed to help. I still have about 10-15 pounds to go, but am still happy with where I am. I know the last pesky pounds will come off. Our weather has been really nice here, so it helps alot with the exercising. Our pool is closed now, but will open in February......kinda cool huh LOL, I love to swim, so that will be nice.
Best of luck to you and hang in there. You've done a great job so far!!
Surgery? Gastic Bypass
Type? Open RNY
Date? 7-11-05
Highest Weight 315
Total Loss 120
Beginning Sizes:
Pant: 28
Shirts: XXL
Shoes: 10
Sizes Now:
Pants: 8-10
Shirts: M-L 12-14
Shoes: 10
How do you feel? GREAT!
Do you have any concerns? I don't want to gain any of this back but I have gained 10 lbs in the last 6 months.
Surgery? RNY
Type? Laparoscopic
Date? UNK
Highest Weight 385 lbs.
Total Loss 55 lbs.
Beginning Sizes:
Pant: 58 waist
Shirts: 3xl-4xl
Shoes: 11EE
Sizes Now:
Pants: 54 waist
Shirts: 2xl
Shoes: 11
How do you feel? ok but would be better when surgery is scheduled
Do you have any concerns? none right now