Medicine Absorbtion Question
I'm thinking I may need to opt for the lap-band, which doesn't work as well for most, from what I've read. I have a medicine that I have to take, I'm already at a high dose of it, and I'm worried about absorbtion with the RNY. Is there anyone who takes meds pre-op that you still have to take post-op, and how has it changed with the RNY? Are you taking more, do they work? Anything you can share.
There is a shot I can I take instead (every 2 weeks) but that may cause weight gain. The med I'm currently on does not cause weight gain. I gained 40 lbs in 6 months on the med that caused weight gain so I'd rather not have to opt for a shot.
I have to decide which surgury when I attend the seminar I believe, which I'm going to on Friday.
Thanks for your insight,

Surgery not scheduled
My meds for depression and anxiety had to be adjusted a few times post operatively as my psychiatrist and I believed they weren't as affective and the only change was the malabsorption from my surgery. It was pretty rough there for a while, I won't lie about that, but once it was worked out, it was fine.
Your medical doctors and surgeons will work together to get your medication doses sorted out. It's not uncommon.
I take all the same meds.... dep. anxiety and its fine.
I dont know if this true or not but I found with my anxiety pill that kicks in right away... if I ate somthing then stuck that on top of the food in my pouch.. it would break down while the food ran through and absorb better.
I might be whacked but it works for me.
Good luck and research alot.... you want to get the right surgery for you.
Start Weight - 263
Current Weight 135 and making it work for ME !
I do the same as Linda. I take my a.m. pills (depression, thyroid, allergy and hormone) right after I finish breadfast, but before I take my viactiv. My p.m. pills are for restless syndrome and a sleeping pill and they kick almost immediately. I've notice no difference at 7 weeks out and with some of the a.m. medications, I would have noticed right away if they weren't working.
Hope this helps with your decison. But meds can always be adjusted -- either by time of day or how many times a day you take them, plus dosages. Don't settle for less than you want!!!