Bored Im bored Im bored Im bored
Waiting to go to thanksgiving dinner at my brothers.....
I hates waitin to do stuff!
IGH Caribou opens at 4:30 am tomorrow....
any crazy early birdies out there?
You couldnt pay me to head out in the crowds that early!
People are toooo nutsy!
Hugs friends.... guess Im the only one lurking about today!
Gooble gooble

Start Weight - 263
Current Weight 135 and making it work for ME !
You're not the only one lurking about around here. I am bored too. I think I might go see August Rush at 4:30. It's just another day over here, no Turkey, no relatives. Just another day. Which is perfectly fine by me and my liquid diet. I am not a fan of Thanksgiving anyways, never have liked it. I think I might go get a tall non-fat SF cinnamon dolce decaf latte. :)
Maintaining for 3-1/2yrs now!!
Pregnant and due February 9, 2012 with first child
Maintaining for 3-1/2yrs now!!
Pregnant and due February 9, 2012 with first child
I also am Lurking today! But I am at work so I am just waiting for 3 so I can go home and change and than head to my parents. We always have dinner later because my whole family is full of avid hunters and that is what they are off doing today. So we have Thanksgiving once hunting is over!
I am braving the crowds tomorrow so that should be fun! Or scary I haven't decided which yet.
Happy Thanksgiving everyone
I am bored too, and really hate the holidays. Actually hope this is the last year I look and feel like the stuffed TURKEY! Seriously and with a bit of humor. Having family doen't mean the Norman Rockwell pictures. We can all be lonely in a very growded room. I also think this is the most important time of the year for support groups.
I still embrace my life and am truely grateful for all He has given me.
YOU who lurk and thoses that can't even lurk, Love Ya!
Mary Jo
Happy Thankfulness!
I still embrace my life and am truely grateful for all He has given me.
YOU who lurk and thoses that can't even lurk, Love Ya!
Mary Jo
Happy Thankfulness!
Hello Linda....hope you have a great Thanksgiving!!
I went to a freinds for a little while...I had turkey and a bite of sweet potatoes and stuffing. That was nice.
I was supposed to be at my daughters and with her freinds in SSP for Thanksgiving. I am having a major arthiritis and Fibromyalgia flair up. I can't hardly walk much less drive. This happens every now and then. The weather changing doesn't help. I need to go take some vicodin and crash for a while. I hope to go to my daughters tomorrow.
NO..I don't shop on black friday either....people are insane!!!
connie d

OK! I'm a day late and a dollar short and now I'M REALLY BORED

~Sandie~ -147!!WLS:12-12-06:Preop 268,Ht.5'4",BMI 44.9
Click on link to see my journey!!!
"Do unto others as you'd have done to you"~ The Golden Rule to Live by!
You are what you EAT and WHO you hang out with! Choices=Outcome~ what's YOUR choice??
I'm not perfect but I am going to die trying!!!