OT: Need some love...
Um, I work in construction - so pretty sure I know what you mean about the male aspect, but all the same, life is no fun when your job is stressing you out to this degree.
I am praying for you...I really do think you know the answer...sometimes you just have to be willing to take the leap. Look deep and you will know.
Dana, you know that I work for the state and its not bad, (there are really good days and others I want to quit) but I just wanted to let you know that we are hiring 6 people in my division fulltime Mon-Fri 8-4:30 (times are negotiable), I will PM you with some more information n\tonight. You never know maybe this is just want you need to get out of where you're at.
((((((((HUGS))))))) Enjoy the long weekend, Take care
((((((((HUGS))))))) Enjoy the long weekend, Take care
ummmm..... is it just me, or did that sound dirty???
Sending you lots of love, Dana - I've been with the parks for 19 years come January, so I haven't been in your shoes for a long, long time. Not that this has been 100% cakewalk, but when I consider other alternatives? I'm staying put. At least I can look out my window and see deer, pheasants, the occasional 'possum... Some benefits you can't put a dollar sign in front of, ya know?
Happy Thanksgiving, give Bart a scratch for me!!!

Imperfect does not = unsuccessful
{{{{{{BIG HUGS}}}} for you, Sweetie!!
((Can I borrow a few? I had an incredibly BAD day mysel***** reamed out by my supervisor for not having some paper work quite finished. My bad---but it sure F***s up a day.)) And I don't even have a significant other to pat me on the back and tell me it'll be okay.
I SURE miss my beloved on days like this.
I wish Jesus had flesh. I could use a guy to cry on.

Oh, Dana...I'm sorry to hear that. I know how frustrating that can be.
Just last week my job let me go 'cause I'm sick and couldn't come in. And it's a healthcare organization to boot!!! You know what they said? "I realize your health is your concern, but I have a business to run." AAAARRRRRGGGGGGHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!
I'm in an ulcerative colitis flare and have needed some blood transfusions. I also have severe lower back pain. This has all landed me in the hospital. I can't get out of bed without help and am waiting for a steroid injection in my back. Oh, and I had one in my hand just this morning due to what is probably gout. Will this ever end???
I'll be job hunting when I'm feeling better. At least I'm almost done with school (graduate next month) so a better job is in my future.
Good luck with everything - things just HAVE to get better!
