A great blog for WLS info
I know I have shared this once or twice on here, and some of you also visit this blog, but in case you are newer to the board or haven't taken a look, I'd like to suggest a blog site for you to visit. www.theworldaccordingtoeggface.blogspot.com Michelle (Eggface) is an OH staffer I believe, but she has some really awesome material on her blog. If you look on the left side of the page when you go to the website above, you will find areas like "quick links" and "neat stuff". I clicked on the Surgery Comparison Chart earlier today and wow! I have never seen someone lay it all out like that chart. There were links for Protein Tips, her favorite protein shake recipes, etc. Also, various calculators (fitness, protein, BMI, etc.). I've found a wealth of information here and thought you may enjoy it as well. I also have emailed Michelle several times with different questions and she has always been gracious to answer or direct me in the right way. And, Michelle, if you're reading, THANK YOU! Hope you find it helpful peeps.