First MAJOR goal met
When I started this journey and was asked what I wanted to accomplish, besides the medical stuff, my big goal was to get down to a size 12, which is what I was when I graduated High School, and still looked great. Well, today, I went shopping, and found 2 pairs of jeans one the GLO brand that someone suggested, and 1 pair of my favorite Levi. Well thank god for Goodwill, because I made it!!!! I am at my goal size. Now, even if I don't make my goal of getting down to 150 ( 23 pounds away) I am happy with this and so very glad I had this life altering surgery.
You'll get to your goal, just keep working that tool like you have been and you'll get there!
Way to go on the size 12's!! I will have to find some GLO jeans when I start melting.
PICTURES! PICTURES! PICTURES! I want to see what a size 12 looks like!
Maintaining for 3-1/2yrs now!!
Pregnant and due February 9, 2012 with first child
Maintaining for 3-1/2yrs now!!
Pregnant and due February 9, 2012 with first child
Thanks for the encouragement everyone. The only downfall I have found to this surgery so far is that tonight I FROZE at the Holidazzle parade here in town. A year ago I would have been comfortable in the cold, now, BRR! Everyone is doing so well lately, I hope the holidays are safe and "bypass friendly" for everyone.
CONGRATS to you!!! I can't imagine - I never had a time when I looked great, so I have no clue what weight/size I may end up at! But I can't imagine a 12.... HOLY CRAP!
I find it WAY cool that you feel the way you do about your surgery after all you went through. What a testimony!
Imperfect does not = unsuccessful