so how important is walking? (i'm scared)


I know you are scared!!! But this is only a decision you can make sweetie.....I am not in your shoes and cannot offer any advise -- I can't imagine not being able to walk, even on a limited basis, but I also haven't had to confront that issue. It is not just walking -- what about your beloved riding and biking??? You can't just give it up without a fight -- limited is better than none. And the longer you wait, the less bone there is to fuse together. Then, as I read your signature line, perhaps your answer is there. Things will come out better than they are now, if only for a short time. But none of us knows how much time we have for anything. All surgery means healing and a huge pain in the butt. But technology keeps changing and who knows what the future will bring. They may get in there and be able to fix just enough to help while other choices catch up or change.
I will pray that God sends you your answer and that he guides your doctors. XXOO -- Missed you at coffee this morning. Love ya. PM me if you ever want any visitors -- I'm sure the girls will car pool to your house!!!!
hi barb. i missed you at coffee, too. i appreciate the input and i know you're right - perhaps something better will come along down the line, if i'm given more time down the line, that is.
thanks for the prayers and the offer for visitors. God willing, i'll be able to do that again - soon.
take care. have a great week hugs dorthe

Imperfect does not = unsuccessful