Ok, the votes are in, and plans are made. November 24th we will meet at G Allen's (which is the next exit down from Dr. Glass' clinic exit.) At 6:30. Go down Hwy15 go past the Hennen's exit, go to the next exit which has a McDonalds and an American Inn. G Allen's is right there. We can have supper and drinks there. As far as the hotel, we can either stay at the American Inn or Carol N. has graciously offered her home to us, free of charge! Let me know which you prefer. We can then decide if the scene at G Allen's is ok, or we can travel to Benton Station.There is sober cab there for $5, plus Karaoke and dancing. If we like the band, there is also a live band in the other room. I hope this is ok for everyone. I am really excited about this, it's going to be so much fun!!! If you want, email me and I can give you my cell phone # in case you have problems that night.
I can hardly wait, sounds like so much fun.......
Anyone that is interested in staying over, let me know by PMing me. I should have room for 2-4 people. I have a queen size bed, air mattress and a big comfy couch with 2 overstuffed recliners, so there is plenty of sleeping space......
Just let me know so we can make arrangements!!