So good to see someone from Duluth in here. I saw my Doctor at the Lakeview Center yesterday, and although he said my BMI would qualify me for the lap band procedure he hoped I'd try Weigh****chers again. I really really want to have this done. When you have time, could you please give me some background info on how you were able to get through this? I have BlueChoice Double gold coverage, and it appears it would cover the lap banding if approved by a physician. The doctor my doc recommended was Jay Lenz. I'd truly appreciate any help and info you can pass on!
Sue from Duluth
Thanks for your reply Michelle. I would LOVE a coffee group. However, I think it would mean more to me if I knew this was going to go through. It's funny - I've been reading everything I can get my hands on about this procedure for the past two years and now that I've made up my mind it's like I want it NOW! I've never been known for my patience. I sure would like to ask you a couple of questions for starters. How long did it take you to have your lap band placement from the day you first met with the bariatric physician, how much have you lost, and are you glad you had it done? I think this is going to be a wonderful support group. I just get down when I think it may take over a year to even get to the point where you are. I am so pumped with adrenilin and so ready to change my life that I wish I could check in to St. Luke's tonight, lol. Oh by the way - was this out patient or overnight stay at the hospital? Did you experience a lot of hunger before your first fill? Sorry if I'm overloading you with questions, but it's so wonderful to have someone who has been through this to give you the real info. Sue
Imperfect does not = unsuccessful