I am so excited everyone!! I have a date.
I went to the Barix with my friend today for her pre-op and while I was there I called scheduling and left a message that I was in the building and wondered if I was on the surgery schedule yet, and could possible do my pre-op since I was there. In a while the scheduler actually came down and found me in person and gave me my date, May 30th!!
I didn't get to have my pre-op but that is fine. My pre-oop appt is May 16th. Then 29 days from now I will finally get my surgery. I tried 2 years ago to have the surgery and then gave up when some problems came up. So I feel so happy that it is happening now...I am so impressed with every contact I have had with the Barix staff. They always seem to go the extra mile to make everything happen quickly and easily. I can't wait to be part of the losers club!!!!!

May I add my congratualtions and also as you progress through the days to surgery may I add that you have a "Top Notch" doctor. I had surgery in February and while the surgery itself went off well, I ran into some complications a month later not totally surgery related and Dr. Kam was there for me all the way even though I live a distance away. He can't be bested in my book. Best of luck down the road ahead and again rest easy knowing that All of the Staff at Barix is exceptional not the least of which is the outstanding Dr. Kam. Pam