Pretty disappointed.....
Well, today is my birthday. Woo hoo. My sister called me from Kalamazoo, and left a nice message, I had Debbie Meir post here Happy Birthday, and I got about 4 cards.
My MOM however, has not called me at all.
SO I CALLED HER. Find out she has company, and they are drinking, and I got pretty pissed off that she went on and on about the comings and goings of people at her house but doesn't even ask how "MY" birthday is.
Selfish, I know, but ALL MY LIFE I HAVE BEEN PUT LAST ON HER LIST AND JUST ONCE I WOULD LIKE TO BE IMPORTANT TO HER. This might sound harsh, but I do not feel like I'm anything to her and if I were to drop dead tomorrow she wouldn't give a damn. (Pardon my french but I'm not happy)
Sure you might think she would because she's my Mother, but realize that my stepfather *****cently died WAS HER EVERYTHING. I came in third every single time.
And he's gone now and I still am at the bottom of the food chain.
I really just needed to vent that this birthday, along with many others has sucked once again. I am not celebrating any more birthdays.
I'm done with it, I'll just age silently. (and with WLS farts, silent but deadly at that!!!)
(no wave, no nothing)