I'm home!
Thanks to everyone who sent me emails and posted on my website. A super-special thanks to my Angel Pamela R. and to my surgery buddy Viv! The only complication I had was that I had to stay in the hospital an extra day because I couldn't get the fluids down
But I'm home now, and on my way to loser-ville!

You're home, HIP HIP HOORAY! I know that is the best day when you get to get into your own bed! I was so happy to hear your voice and have you tell me that you were feeling good! Our experiences after surgery are pretty close on not having much pain. Thank the Lord! Try to do the thing with pouring the liquids into your mouth and then swallowing to see if that helps avoid the air you get when sipping. Do a little bit at a time and see if it helps! It's amazing how much air you can get in there without realizing it. That does make your pouchy fill up fast! Take care, sweetie, you're doing great! Love, Pam