Any north Kent County folks here?
Hi, I private messaged you also. I live in Cedar Springs, too!! Small world. One of the nurses I had in the hospital is also a mentor for GHP and runs her own support group off of Leonard St. and 131 area that meets the last Thursday of the month. I think I may check this one out even if it is just once a month and maybe try to catch a couple at GHP too during the rest of the month. Maybe we can car pool or something depending on work schedules, etc....
Depending on traffic, it takes around 35 - 45 minutes.
The East Beltline can really get backed up bumper to bumper
during rush hours.
To go on Monday for the 5PM meeting would probably take an hour.
Not adverse to driving to GR, do it all the time but if I could find a
support group closer that would be great.