BCBS approval time frame
I have BCBS and under my policy my WLS was covered at 100%. It took exactly one week from the day I met with the surgeon until they called me to tell me I was approved and schedule my surgery. It all happened very fast and went off without a hitch. Honestly, it was easier and quicker than when I had to get orthodontics approved for my son!
Good Luck to you!
Good Luck to you!
You said you have BCBS. Is it BCBS of Michigan or another state. BCBSM will in most cases not do preauthoriztions for baratric surgery. It is up to you and your doctor to know what the criteria is and that you meet the criteria. If you do not meet the medical criteria, then they may need to do a pre auth. Either way, if a pre auth is required, then by law, they have 30 days to respond.