Looking for Dr. Mustafa Hares patients
The timing between approval and surgery varies, it can be as little as two weeks. It depends on so many different things...Doctors openings, do you have to schedule time off of work, do you have all of your pre-op testing done and such. There will be a checklist of things that you will have to have done before surgery...chest x-ray, lab work, bone density and things like that. I hope this answered some of your questions.
Good Luck and God Bless
Surgery with Dr. Hares 2/24/04 ----Down 88lbs :)
The timing between approval and surgery varies, it can be as little as two weeks. It depends on so many different things...Doctors openings, do you have to schedule time off of work, do you have all of your pre-op testing done and such. There will be a checklist of things that you will have to have done before surgery...chest x-ray, lab work, bone density and things like that. I hope this answered some of your questions.
Good Luck and God Bless
Surgery with Dr. Hares 2/24/04 ----Down 88lbs :)