Dumping Syndrome, oh joy!
Can any post-ops out there who had gastric bypass talk to me about dumping? Have you ever experienced it and if so, what triggered it for you?
I know that sugar consumption causes dumping, but I am unsure about how much sugar? And does natural sugar found in fruits cause dumping too? I noticed that a Wendy's large Chili, while high in protein, also contains like 10 grams of sugar.
I would love some clarification from someone who has "been there, done that".
Again, thanks for listening!
I have full-on dumped only a few times in the 4 years since my RNY surgery. I can eat a lot of sugar and be fine. (Which is good and bad. I have to stop myself from eating treats!)
What seems to really make me sick is a combo of fat and sugar, like donuts. Those are on my "I will never, ever eat those again" list.
So, I'm not very sensitive to sugar-natural or other kinds. I can eat fruit until the cows come home and never feel anything. There is also natural sugar in dairy products, and that doesn't bother me, either.
Unfortunately, it is kind of a trial and error after surgery. Some people can't have above 10g or so, natural or otherwise. I hope some of them will chime in here and give their experience.
PS-Even though I don't usually dump, I tell people and myself that I do. That keeps me from having to explain why I can't eat regular stuff at BBQs, etc. Don't tell anyone :)
One of the best indicators for me is my mouth.....I eat slower and really pay attention, if something starts to taste YUCKY and really bothering my mouth I stop immediately. I have no clue how many grams that is because for me it varies with certain foods. An example, I can have 1/2 a piece of cake, no problem, but give me 1/4 cup of ice cream (even low fat, low sugar) and I'm feeling like crap for 1/2 hour (for me, it's always 1/2 hour....I can set my watch on it) (btw, it's the LONGEST 1/2 hour of my life!). I'm 2.5 years out and it's still the same. In fact I don't even buy ice cream any more because I have a hard time controlling myself mentally.
As Brenda said, sad to say, you body may differ from ours, only testing the limits will tell you, some don't advise 'testing' yourself, personally for me this was a life style change and skinny people have sweets, just not at the level we did, so now, neither do I !
Good luck,
You don't have to have a lump to have breast cancer!
Inflammatory Breast Cancer
Dumping syndrome is a group of symptoms most likely to develop if you've had surgery to remove all or part of your stomach, or if your stomach has been surgically bypassed to help
Most people with dumping syndrome experience symptoms soon after eating. In others, symptoms may occur one to three hours after eating. In either case, symptoms can range from mild to severe.
Dumping syndrome often improves on its own without medical
I dump on sugar free fat free cool whip
Did you copy/paste that from somewhere? Got a link?
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The scale can measure the weight of my body but never my worth as a woman. ~Lysa TerKeurst author of Made to Crave
http://www.hsc.virginia.edu/internet/digestive-health/nutrit ionarticles/uklejaarticle.pdf
http://rds.yahoo.com/_ylt=A0oGdDFFFyxMziEAAVZXNyoA;_ylu=X3oD MTEzcTc1NTVxBHNlYwNzcgRwb3MDNQRjb2xvA3NrMQR2dGlkA0Y4MjNfMTAy /SIG=121culdkh/EXP=1278044357/**http%3a//www.answers.com/top ic/dumping-syndrome
http://ezinearticles.com/?What-is-Bariatric-Dumping-Syndrome ?&id=3638483
I cant remember the last one.
As a general rule the sugar we need to be worried about is sucrose -- refined table sugar or high fructose corn syrup.... basically added sugars to foods. Natural sugars are usually just fine for most people.
Most nutritionist recommend that you stay within the single digits for sugar. So 9g per serving or less. Fat consumption is also getting the same general recommendations - although "good fats" (unsaturated, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated) don't tend to cause as many problems for dumpers as the "bad fats". I don't worry about low-fat anything unless I specifically prefer the taste of the low-fat food... otherwise I choose full fat foods and simply avoid deep fried slabs of bacon grease type of stuff.
The sugar in Wendy's Chili is most likely natural sugars from the tomatoes - which naturally have sugars but don't generally cause problems for RNY'ers.
Also remember that a lot of people confuse dumping with merely getting sick. Dumping Syndrome is an actual medical term with very specific symptoms and very specific actions happening inside the body. So getting food stuck, having diarrehea or puking because something doesn't agree with the pouch -- although might be easy to call those things dumping, are not actually dumping at all.
My Recipe Index is packed full of yumminess!
Visit my blog: Journey to a Healthier Me ...or my Website
The scale can measure the weight of my body but never my worth as a woman. ~Lysa TerKeurst author of Made to Crave
I also still have issues with stuck food, just had that a week ago this past Monday! I did not chew up my meat well enough and I was sick for the whole nite. I was eating my sandwich while working and didn't chew up my pork well enough (leftovers from my daughters wedding/pig roast). I wasn't paying attention to my eating and I get lazy and this happens to me about once every year or two, not a pretty site, I lock my DH out of the bedroom and go in there and suffer my way through it all by myself.
I can eat the wendy's chili and be fine. If its a natural sugar I didn't dump, BUT early on I did.... If its the refinded sugars it was worse...
Everyones sugar intake is different. In the beginning for me it was about 8grams. Now, its up to about 15-20grams. (but again, since I got pregnant it has increased and I don't know why...)
Hope you get the answers you are seeking...
Conner Ryan 8-2-2010
An Angel in the book of life wrote down my baby's birth, then whispered as she closed the book "Too Beautiful For Earth" -- Love you sweet boy...