Fabulous Friday Wake-up
Yeah, I did hear that. It was sad. He also did a remake of a Game Show called make me laugh and I tried to get on that one too, but it got cancelled before my name came up on the list.
It was a pretty cool experience. Adam Sandler was on that show too, but I didn’t seem him when I was there, at least I don’t think I did. After all, He wasn’t Adam Sandler back then. LOL
1. Tell two truths and one lie about yourself, but dont say which is which, we will guess! I love to sing, I've done a zip line in Costa Rica, I don't get road rage.
2. If your childhood had a taste, what would it be? Ice cream
3. Where were you on Dec 31, 1999 at 11:59pm? In front of the TV in my jammies.
4. What do you have on your mind at the moment? That I should be outside helping Gary shovel, but I'm just too cold right now.
5. What is something that never goes away? Children, they keep coming back!
I finished my half-caff and am sipping water. QOTD: dinner with the geriatric set, they want Hungarian Rhapsody in Allen Park so I will eat a protein bar in advance and a salad there. Such an exciting weekend.
1. Tell two truths and one lie about yourself, but don't say which is which, we will guess! I love Michigan winters. I am owned by two cats. I drive a toaster.
2. If your childhood had a taste, what would it be? Acrid, dry, dusty.
3. Where were you on Dec 31, 1999 at 11:59pm? On the couch watching TV, recovering from a hysterectomy and experiencing massive rolling hot flashes.
4. What do you have on your mind at the moment? Nuthatch and junco outside with the regulars, I think we are going to get some weather.
5. What is something that never goes away? God, thankfully.
1. Tell two truths and one lie about yourself, but dont say which is which, we will guess! I love to cook and bake! I am very homesick! I promised myself after my lab died 2 weeks ago that I would not get another.
2. If your childhood had a taste, what would it be? Seafood
3. Where were you on Dec 31, 1999 at 11:59pm?
Same place I seem to be every New Years since I met my hubby 10 years ago...sleep in bed!
4. What do you have on your mind at the moment?
That I can't wait to get off from work today..
5. What is something that never goes away?
I agree that you never ever quit worrying about the kids and grandkids.