Hello Everyone!
Hi All!
I have been reading this message board for a few days now, and am finally ready to put myself out there.
I have my orientation with Dr. Wood on Wednesday, and I am a nervous wreck. :/ All of your success stories have been so inspirational, and those of you undergoing WLS, or soon to be, are so brave. I don't know if I'm alone in this, but I haven't told many close to me that I'm going to this Orientation, or that I'm entertaining the idea of WLS at all.
I would love to hear all suggestions and comments that any of you may have for someone just starting out in this process.
I have been reading this message board for a few days now, and am finally ready to put myself out there.
I have my orientation with Dr. Wood on Wednesday, and I am a nervous wreck. :/ All of your success stories have been so inspirational, and those of you undergoing WLS, or soon to be, are so brave. I don't know if I'm alone in this, but I haven't told many close to me that I'm going to this Orientation, or that I'm entertaining the idea of WLS at all.
I would love to hear all suggestions and comments that any of you may have for someone just starting out in this process.
I'm still pre-op (getting a date any day now.. probably December) but I too was terrified to tell people about WLS at first. Luckily the first two people I told, my mom and best friend were immediately supportive. I've told my close friends and family about my plans to have WLS, and everyone except one cousin, who had a friend who dramatically changed after the surgery and thinks that happens to everyone, has been great about it.
Also, after a while I've kind of gotten a feel for people who will be positive about it and people who will be all judgy judge. For example, I did tell my hair stylist because I wanted to talk to her about the hair loss issues and I knew she would be cool about it. She was awesome and told me all these stories about her clients who lost all kinds of weight from surgery and even introduced me to the client after me, who was 7 months out or so.
I know it's scary to put yourself out there sometimes, but the people here are really nice. Good Luck with your orientation!
Also, after a while I've kind of gotten a feel for people who will be positive about it and people who will be all judgy judge. For example, I did tell my hair stylist because I wanted to talk to her about the hair loss issues and I knew she would be cool about it. She was awesome and told me all these stories about her clients who lost all kinds of weight from surgery and even introduced me to the client after me, who was 7 months out or so.
I know it's scary to put yourself out there sometimes, but the people here are really nice. Good Luck with your orientation!
Glad to see you posted here.This is a decision only you can make for yourself.I made the decision to have weight loss surgery because I was 33 years old 368-379 ponds.Very unhealthy with comorbities.I wanted to be healthy and active to see my children graduate from high school and meet my grand children.My husband was a little scared by the idea.Afraid I would change and leave him.He married me when I weighed that much so I am sure he loves me why would I leave him.I am sure he knows that now,but even though he had those thoughts.I had to do this for me.It is a journey but know that there are those of us here you can always come to.Those who have been where you are.It is totally understandable.Enjoy the orientation.Mine was very informational.
I'm sure everyone of us can tell you how much we delt with our own conflicts and emotions wether this was the right decision for us or not, your not alone there.
As far as people knowing, that is very personal and only you can decide how your going to handle it. I've heard from people who told no one at work to people like me who told anyone who stood still long enough :). I did not have one person try to talk me out of it, I found nothing but support....everyone was happy that I was going to be healthier. Personally I think that's what it comes down to, those that love you will be scared for you (no doubt, this is a life changing event) but if they step back and realize that you are doing this for your health, how could they be anything but supportative, and if there not, we are!
Good luck making your decision, come back on here and ask any questions you have. Personally, this is the best decision I have every made for myself.
I'm sure everyone of us can tell you how much we delt with our own conflicts and emotions wether this was the right decision for us or not, your not alone there.
As far as people knowing, that is very personal and only you can decide how your going to handle it. I've heard from people who told no one at work to people like me who told anyone who stood still long enough :). I did not have one person try to talk me out of it, I found nothing but support....everyone was happy that I was going to be healthier. Personally I think that's what it comes down to, those that love you will be scared for you (no doubt, this is a life changing event) but if they step back and realize that you are doing this for your health, how could they be anything but supportative, and if there not, we are!
Good luck making your decision, come back on here and ask any questions you have. Personally, this is the best decision I have every made for myself.
You don't have to have a lump to have breast cancer!
Inflammatory Breast Cancer
its funny (not ha ha funny) how i needed different things at different stages of weightloss surg. In the beginning when i was checking it out i didnt want to tell anyone. After the surgery i wanted to tell everyone! lol i remember catching myself at times relating my story to people thinking--"now why i am i telling this poor person my whole story when they just asked how i was!" lol sometimes i felt the need to talk to explain maybe some of the changes of my eating behaviors etc....and other times just needed to talk about all the change mentally and physically i was going through. Now being this far out i sometimes forget about it--------it has just become normal life now---------not good not bad.......just part of me..........but i think it is important for you to find your way that feels best for you. You only have to be accountible to you--you dont owe anyone any explanations but if you need support etc then you have the choice to share with others! You are starting a wonderful journey. You can choose your paths for the views you want and need! This is your trip! Safe journey!
I decided very early out to share all I could of my experiences with everyone. I chose to do this so that I might better educate others and maybe help people who might want to consider WLS. I also did this so that other WLS patients might not have to share or live quietly hiding their surgery in fear of ridicule or criticism. WLS is a medical procedure and as such is a very private matter. No one else is entitled to know. Share only with those you can be comfortable with sharing. Feel free to share anything about me from my profile or postings with them to better inform them. WLS is a tool, not an easy way out. Use it well and it will serve you well. Hugs

"I refuse to measure success in pounds lost, but rather in life gained!"
Glad you've decided to trust us. We've all been at the point you're at right now. Most of us have made the informed decision to go through with the WLS, and probably 100% of us are so glad we did.
Most of the people I told prior to surgery were people I knew would be supportive. I still haven't told some people, because I know them to be judgmental and gossipers. If they ask, and I don't want to tell them I had WLS, I just tell them I'm eating a high protein, low carb diet and drinking water and exercising. That way I'm not telling a lie, I'm just omitting I've got the weight loss tool to help me.
It's a serious decision and you'll want to read everything you can about it and educate yourself.
I feel that I made an informed decision and am very glad I did. I'm hoping that one day I'll hit my goal of 140. (Today I went shopping for new jeans and got Levi 515 jeans in a size 14!) I'm thrilled!
Glad you've decided to trust us. We've all been at the point you're at right now. Most of us have made the informed decision to go through with the WLS, and probably 100% of us are so glad we did.
Most of the people I told prior to surgery were people I knew would be supportive. I still haven't told some people, because I know them to be judgmental and gossipers. If they ask, and I don't want to tell them I had WLS, I just tell them I'm eating a high protein, low carb diet and drinking water and exercising. That way I'm not telling a lie, I'm just omitting I've got the weight loss tool to help me.
It's a serious decision and you'll want to read everything you can about it and educate yourself.
I feel that I made an informed decision and am very glad I did. I'm hoping that one day I'll hit my goal of 140. (Today I went shopping for new jeans and got Levi 515 jeans in a size 14!) I'm thrilled!
I am so glad you posted here today. I too am pre-op. Just found out today my surgery will be November 30th!! in the beginning of my journey, I did not tell anyone. The first few calls to the doctors office I made while on my lunch in my car or if they called, i waited for a message and then called back when noone was around to hear. I was so worried what others would think!
Everyone on here is right when they say this journey is about YOU! It's personal. I did find that once I shared with my girls and found out how excited they were I felt more comfortable with my decision! I have found the process so far to be very positive and everyone from my initial infomational meeting to subsequent appts to informing loved ones, have been so excited for me! I almost had to stand back and realize everyone had been there, it was me that was holding myself back all these years!! I still haven't told alot of people however, the ones I have chosen to bring into my "inner circle" have met me with only positive thoughts!!
I am currently struggling with telling a few family member's who have been very negative in the past when they have spoken of these procedures. I hope they will be able to see that this is something i must do to be healthy. I hope to figure it out before surgery, if not I guess they will find out when I meet my goal!
Best of luck in your journey!
Everyone on here is right when they say this journey is about YOU! It's personal. I did find that once I shared with my girls and found out how excited they were I felt more comfortable with my decision! I have found the process so far to be very positive and everyone from my initial infomational meeting to subsequent appts to informing loved ones, have been so excited for me! I almost had to stand back and realize everyone had been there, it was me that was holding myself back all these years!! I still haven't told alot of people however, the ones I have chosen to bring into my "inner circle" have met me with only positive thoughts!!
I am currently struggling with telling a few family member's who have been very negative in the past when they have spoken of these procedures. I hope they will be able to see that this is something i must do to be healthy. I hope to figure it out before surgery, if not I guess they will find out when I meet my goal!
Best of luck in your journey!
Thank you so much for all of the input and support! So far I have discussed my decision with my parents and 3 siblings, and everyone has been incredibly supportive! I finally feel secure in my decision now, especially knowing that I am not the only one out there with these apprehensions.
I have read all of your profiles at length and I feel so inspired to do this now.
I had my consultation with the surgeon this morning, and unfortunately my PCP would not authorize the referral because the physician is not in the same hospital network as they are. DMC vs. Botsford. I'm extremely frustrated. It's not like this is a nose job, this is to save my life!!!
Oh well, this is just a small set back. I have another consultation in 2 weeks scheduled, so I will hopefully not have all the jitters like I did today.
Once again, your words of kindness are worth so much right now, and I appreciate all of you!
Thank you again,
I have read all of your profiles at length and I feel so inspired to do this now.
I had my consultation with the surgeon this morning, and unfortunately my PCP would not authorize the referral because the physician is not in the same hospital network as they are. DMC vs. Botsford. I'm extremely frustrated. It's not like this is a nose job, this is to save my life!!!
Oh well, this is just a small set back. I have another consultation in 2 weeks scheduled, so I will hopefully not have all the jitters like I did today.
Once again, your words of kindness are worth so much right now, and I appreciate all of you!
Thank you again,