Great informative web site. PLEASE CHECK IT OUT
I have found the following web site; someone might already have posted this but , I figured even if they had its worth showing again.
Good luck to all
No problems. I'm 3 months out and am loseing my hair at a ;pretty good pace so I set out yesterday to find more info to up my protein intake without making myself sick.
I have tried to eat 80 protein grams in food only and was making myself sick. Tried it twice, was sick all day. I NEVER would have imagined that Brussel sprout had that many grams of protein. I LOVE THEM . So hopefully my hair loss will stop soon from high protein intake.
I also found a GREAT tasting protein drink yesterday, EAS Myoplex strawberry cream So , I'm way geeked to start looseing ; weight that is , not hair LOL
talk soon
I checked out that site yesterday. Thanks so much for posting it -- what a great resources!
A couple things... (watch out, I'm about to get long winded LOL!)
*** Your hair loss is not directly related to your protein intake. Getting it all in helps, but the reason you're losing hair is because of the trauma of surgery. So you're right on schedule because it generally starts around the 3 month mark. it'll last for about 3-4 months then slow down and stop. Then about 3-4 months later (at around 9 months) you'll start noticing little 1" spikes of new hair growth. Here's some more info on hair loss after WLS. Here andHere.
*** Even though brussel sprouts have protein in them... remember that not all protein is created equal. In order for a protein to be "complete" it must contain all eight essential amino acids. Vegetables generally do not have all 8. Plus remember that there is a rating system for the quality of protein and how much the body absorbs and uses. There are two main systems for rating and then each food is assigned a different rating based on how bioavailable that food is for the body. For instance you'll get more protein useage from an egg than you will from brussel sprouts. One way to get around this problem of foods not being "complete" is to combine foods from different food groups. So if brussel sprouts contain 4 of the essential amino acids and fish contains the other 4 EAA, then you'd eat those two things together at the same meal to make your protein complete. (No idea if those two really combine right, just an example). Vegetarians and vegans have to worry about this a lot... so if you google it, you can learn more about the process.
You can read more about protein on my blog in the series of articles I wrote about the topic. Here. There's even more information (and a million recipes) in my Protein Book that is downloadable on my blog too. Here.
Here's a copy/paste that explains about the different protein quality measuring systems. (Taken from page 25 of the Protein Book)
Understanding Protein Quality
Protein is protein, right? Wrong! There are varying degrees of protein quality and how well the body is able to utilize these different sources. There are two main ways of determining the quality of any type of protein with PDCAAS emerging as the preferred method of measure but Biological Value is still being widely used.
Protein Digestibility Corrected Amino Acid Score (PDCAAS)
Protein Digestibility Corrected Amino Acid Score (PDCAAS) is a method of evaluating the protein quality based on the amino acid requirements of humans. The PDCAAS rating is a fairly recent evaluation method; it was adopted by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations/World Health Organization (FAO/WHO) in 1993 as "the preferred 'best'" method to determine protein quality. Using the PDCAAS method, the protein quality rankings are determined by comparing the amino acid profile of the specific food protein against a standard amino acid profile with the highest possible score being a 1.0. This score means that after digestion of the protein, it provides per unit of protein, 100% or more of the indispensable amino acids required.
Biological Value (BV)
The Biological Value (BV) is a scale of measurement used to determine what percentage of a protein is utilized by the body. Biological Value is derived from providing a measure intake of protein, then determining the nitrogen uptake versus nitrogen excretion. The theoretical highest BV of any food source is 100%. However, the amount of protein which our body can digest from food is not always 100%. In fact, the most easily digestible natural protein source is whole eggs, where the percentage net utilization by our bodies is 94%. Because eggs contain the best protein digestion rate of any natural source, eggs are given a protein rating of '100' and all other protein containing food sources are rated according to how digestible they are compared to egg protein.
Today, there exists protein powders which digest even easier than egg protein and can be utilized by our bodies even more than the 94% that natural egg protein can be. These protein powders would have a protein rating higher than 100 on the scale below.
There are others too…
Some other types of protein scoring scales include: Net Protein Utilization (NPU); Protein Efficiency Ratio (PER); Amino Acid Score (AAS); Protein Digestibility Percentage (PD%)
Food PDCAAS rating
1 is the highest
0 the lowest
Whole Egg 1.0
Egg White 1.0
Whey Protein Powder 1.0
Soy Protein Powder 1.0
Chicken / Turkey 1.0
Fish 1.0
Lean Beef .92
Cow’s Milk 1.0
Rice .40
Peanuts .52
Soy beans / Tofu .91
Corn .74
Beans .69
Whole Wheat .54
BV rating
Scale of 100%
Whole Egg 100
Egg White 88
Whey Protein Powder 100
Soy Protein Powder 74
Chicken / Turkey 79
Fish 70
Lean Beef 69
Cow’s Milk 60
Rice 56
Peanuts 55
Soy beans / Tofu 47
Corn 36
Beans 34
Whole Wheat 44
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The scale can measure the weight of my body but never my worth as a woman. ~Lysa TerKeurst author of Made to Crave