Thursday Coffee
Thanks for the info Edie . . I'm going to call her back today I started on the antibiotics in pill form and I"m not seeing a change in the swelling or the pain . . and it seems like I should have by now. . . the time I feel any relief is when I'm packed in ice. . . I never gave it a thought on the pill vs the liquid . . .
I'll keep you informed . . .
I'll keep you informed . . .
Good morning Michigan
Danielle my heart goes out to you. You have such a emotional demanding job. And that is probably whey those uncaring individuals are the way they are. They have become desensitized to those emotions that you feel and blocked they compasion ability. You on the other hand have one big heart. If you Leave that Job do you think it will be any better some where else, and what will become of the patients you leave behind? I know you can't save the world but one kind person is better then none at all. Maybe you could be the catalyst that changes the way things are......... And if and when it is time to move on you will know in your heart what the right thing and time to do it will be.
QOTD: I have a friend that I have helped many times over the years. This last time was the straw that broke the camels back so to speak. I helped her for over a yr. to care for her Dementia afflicted Mother. If she called and sounded stressed I would run right over there just to be moral support, it did not matter what hour day or night. Every day I would go to her house and sit with her or stay with her mother because she was house bound. That way my friend got a break or just someone different to communicate with. In the end I stayed at my friends home so she would not be alone when the inevitable happened. Her own children and cousin avoided my friends home like the plague.
And when here mother met the angels It was my watch. I was the one who told my friend it was finished.
After we got through the funeral My friend who said Mary I am going to be there for you when you have your surgery, Began going shopping with her daughter, cousin, and other mutual friends that we have. She barely calls me unless it is when she needs some help with her computer or stuff like that. Now that I am getting ready for my surgery. She has all kinds of things going on. And don't even know if she will be in town.
I never expected any kind of repayment for helping my friend, And I know she is going through changes since losing her mother. I just would have never expected her to blow me off like that.
She started going to the gym with me and then began making excuses every time we were suppose to go. Something came up, she was sore from the other day. Blah blah Blah
I even mentioned that she has blown me off for her cousin and daughter, She never just calls me to she if I want to do anything, now that she is not trapped in the house caring for her mom.
So I made my mind up to still have her as my friend but not put myself out for her needs when she calls with a request (unless it is life or death). Maybe someday when I am done with my WLS and met my goals I will visit her and she will be fat and I won't be!
Sorry This got kind of deep. this has been bugging me.
Must be the Liquid pre - op diets. 7 more days to go

Danielle my heart goes out to you. You have such a emotional demanding job. And that is probably whey those uncaring individuals are the way they are. They have become desensitized to those emotions that you feel and blocked they compasion ability. You on the other hand have one big heart. If you Leave that Job do you think it will be any better some where else, and what will become of the patients you leave behind? I know you can't save the world but one kind person is better then none at all. Maybe you could be the catalyst that changes the way things are......... And if and when it is time to move on you will know in your heart what the right thing and time to do it will be.
QOTD: I have a friend that I have helped many times over the years. This last time was the straw that broke the camels back so to speak. I helped her for over a yr. to care for her Dementia afflicted Mother. If she called and sounded stressed I would run right over there just to be moral support, it did not matter what hour day or night. Every day I would go to her house and sit with her or stay with her mother because she was house bound. That way my friend got a break or just someone different to communicate with. In the end I stayed at my friends home so she would not be alone when the inevitable happened. Her own children and cousin avoided my friends home like the plague.
And when here mother met the angels It was my watch. I was the one who told my friend it was finished.
After we got through the funeral My friend who said Mary I am going to be there for you when you have your surgery, Began going shopping with her daughter, cousin, and other mutual friends that we have. She barely calls me unless it is when she needs some help with her computer or stuff like that. Now that I am getting ready for my surgery. She has all kinds of things going on. And don't even know if she will be in town.
I never expected any kind of repayment for helping my friend, And I know she is going through changes since losing her mother. I just would have never expected her to blow me off like that.
She started going to the gym with me and then began making excuses every time we were suppose to go. Something came up, she was sore from the other day. Blah blah Blah
I even mentioned that she has blown me off for her cousin and daughter, She never just calls me to she if I want to do anything, now that she is not trapped in the house caring for her mom.
So I made my mind up to still have her as my friend but not put myself out for her needs when she calls with a request (unless it is life or death). Maybe someday when I am done with my WLS and met my goals I will visit her and she will be fat and I won't be!
Sorry This got kind of deep. this has been bugging me.
Must be the Liquid pre - op diets. 7 more days to go

When I went through cancer treatment I was shocked by some people and what they did for me, but I was also unbelievably disappointed in others. Ultimately you have to decide how to handle those people in our lives. Situations like this were discussed in my support groups allot, some people wrote those people off and others forgave. Either way it's a decision only you can make.
Just wanted to say sorry, it's tough when a friend lets up down so.
When I went through cancer treatment I was shocked by some people and what they did for me, but I was also unbelievably disappointed in others. Ultimately you have to decide how to handle those people in our lives. Situations like this were discussed in my support groups allot, some people wrote those people off and others forgave. Either way it's a decision only you can make.
Just wanted to say sorry, it's tough when a friend lets up down so.
You don't have to have a lump to have breast cancer!
Inflammatory Breast Cancer
Good morning all -
Coffee is gone and I'm already late in having breakfast (Yogurt & Kashi). Thursdays are long days for me. After work I have a 4 hour class, then a 45 minute drive home from school. So I'll be home around 11:00 tonight.
QOTD -- Before surgery I'd let an unpleasant situation linger for a long time. Nowadays I don't have the tolerance for stuff like that makes me unhappy. If there's something I can do to make a change, I'll do it. If I can't do anything, then I figure out how to adjust my attitude toward it. For instance there's a gal at work who plays 3rd grader games with pettiness and gossip and tattle taling -- it's not enough to make me quit my job and find another, but it's annoying and drags my attitude down. So instead of stooping to that level and letting it bother me, I had to figure out how to ignore her bad behavior and just go about my day without letting her affect me.
I'm sorry you're going through a rough time with the job Danielle. I hope you find a solution that works for your own peace of mind and happiness.
Coffee is gone and I'm already late in having breakfast (Yogurt & Kashi). Thursdays are long days for me. After work I have a 4 hour class, then a 45 minute drive home from school. So I'll be home around 11:00 tonight.
QOTD -- Before surgery I'd let an unpleasant situation linger for a long time. Nowadays I don't have the tolerance for stuff like that makes me unhappy. If there's something I can do to make a change, I'll do it. If I can't do anything, then I figure out how to adjust my attitude toward it. For instance there's a gal at work who plays 3rd grader games with pettiness and gossip and tattle taling -- it's not enough to make me quit my job and find another, but it's annoying and drags my attitude down. So instead of stooping to that level and letting it bother me, I had to figure out how to ignore her bad behavior and just go about my day without letting her affect me.
I'm sorry you're going through a rough time with the job Danielle. I hope you find a solution that works for your own peace of mind and happiness.
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The scale can measure the weight of my body but never my worth as a woman. ~Lysa TerKeurst author of Made to Crave
DS on 09/23/13
Good Midmorning Everyone,
I am late this morning. Had a late night last night and couldn't get moving this morning. Just finished 24 ounces of water and getting ready for more of the same. QOTD: Wow this for me is a deep subject because I am one who tends to try and make everyone else happy before myself it depends on what is going on and who is involved. Bottom line is I am the one everyone calls when they need something, and when I need something when I call everyone seems to be busy. I guess I haven't made changes cause I still do for others. I do not work anymore due to a car accident. When I did work and things got out of hand I would try and change them asap. Danielle I am so sorry to hear of the issues you face. Your job is stressfull enough without the added pettiness. I wish you the best in what decsion you make, and I understand your point if you were to leave what would happen. Also I feel somewhere somehow all the good you do will come back to you three fold. I hope everyone has a great day sorry I rambled.
I am late this morning. Had a late night last night and couldn't get moving this morning. Just finished 24 ounces of water and getting ready for more of the same. QOTD: Wow this for me is a deep subject because I am one who tends to try and make everyone else happy before myself it depends on what is going on and who is involved. Bottom line is I am the one everyone calls when they need something, and when I need something when I call everyone seems to be busy. I guess I haven't made changes cause I still do for others. I do not work anymore due to a car accident. When I did work and things got out of hand I would try and change them asap. Danielle I am so sorry to hear of the issues you face. Your job is stressfull enough without the added pettiness. I wish you the best in what decsion you make, and I understand your point if you were to leave what would happen. Also I feel somewhere somehow all the good you do will come back to you three fold. I hope everyone has a great day sorry I rambled.
Well, it's not morning, but I'm checking in and drinking some tea.
I made it through the EGD today with no problem. Propophol is good stuff. Then I went and had a light breakfast with my adorable hubby, who made a side trip to the cider mill to get me a cider slushee for my sore throat. The mill by my house puts a cinnamon/sugar mix in their slush, so I only had a few sips. Then, after a short nap at home, I went to have my stress test done. Oh boy, that was fun...NOT. Now I'm checking in really quickly and I'm off to get my hair done. Whew.
QOTD-Now, I don't wait to change things. I stayed in a bad, abusive marriage for 9 years because I was young and stupid and I was afraid to be alone. Now, when something is bad, I take care of it. There are things like my job, that are astoundingly horrible. There isn't anything I can do to change that, and I have not found anywhere else that will allow me to take time off to care for Nick. So I accept it, and do things like put crickets in my bosses office to get me through bad times. Like Pam, I just don't put up with junk any more. I either change the situation or change my attitude toward it.
Ok, off to get my hair did! Have a good night all!!
PS-Dr. Katz spoke to DH after the scope. He said my pouch was very large, as was the opening to my intestine. This is what Dave said the doc said. I will have a more in depth conversation with him for specifics. But he did say that his recommendation is revision, so I am continuing to work toward that.
I made it through the EGD today with no problem. Propophol is good stuff. Then I went and had a light breakfast with my adorable hubby, who made a side trip to the cider mill to get me a cider slushee for my sore throat. The mill by my house puts a cinnamon/sugar mix in their slush, so I only had a few sips. Then, after a short nap at home, I went to have my stress test done. Oh boy, that was fun...NOT. Now I'm checking in really quickly and I'm off to get my hair done. Whew.
QOTD-Now, I don't wait to change things. I stayed in a bad, abusive marriage for 9 years because I was young and stupid and I was afraid to be alone. Now, when something is bad, I take care of it. There are things like my job, that are astoundingly horrible. There isn't anything I can do to change that, and I have not found anywhere else that will allow me to take time off to care for Nick. So I accept it, and do things like put crickets in my bosses office to get me through bad times. Like Pam, I just don't put up with junk any more. I either change the situation or change my attitude toward it.
Ok, off to get my hair did! Have a good night all!!
PS-Dr. Katz spoke to DH after the scope. He said my pouch was very large, as was the opening to my intestine. This is what Dave said the doc said. I will have a more in depth conversation with him for specifics. But he did say that his recommendation is revision, so I am continuing to work toward that.
Glad you survived everything today....knew you could. Do you feel better knowing you have a large pouch and stoma? Or bummed because it means another surgery? For me it's a double edges sword....I'm still trying to figure out this lung thing and I saw a surgeon Monday, he's not convinced it's cancer, but we still don't know what it is. So as happy as I am that everyone has issues with it being cancer, I still may need surgery :(
Soooooo did you really plant those crickets? You are evil.... whahahahahaha!!!
I said something that send off one of my boss's today, I didn't mean too, really. But my other boss said it's because something deep inside of me couldn't help it, I just had to do it, even if it wasn't ok, I'll give you that!
Glad you survived everything today....knew you could. Do you feel better knowing you have a large pouch and stoma? Or bummed because it means another surgery? For me it's a double edges sword....I'm still trying to figure out this lung thing and I saw a surgeon Monday, he's not convinced it's cancer, but we still don't know what it is. So as happy as I am that everyone has issues with it being cancer, I still may need surgery :(
Soooooo did you really plant those crickets? You are evil.... whahahahahaha!!!

I said something that send off one of my boss's today, I didn't mean too, really. But my other boss said it's because something deep inside of me couldn't help it, I just had to do it, even if it wasn't ok, I'll give you that!
You don't have to have a lump to have breast cancer!
Inflammatory Breast Cancer
I just simply "deposited" the dead crickets from my office to hers. Did the same with some mice last year.....but don't tell!!
I know what you mean about good news/bad news. I am not glad this happened, but it's incredibly comforting to finally have someone confirm what you knew all along and then offer to do something about it.
Let's hope that our bosses play nice today so we make it to the weekend without getting in any trouble!!
I just simply "deposited" the dead crickets from my office to hers. Did the same with some mice last year.....but don't tell!!
I know what you mean about good news/bad news. I am not glad this happened, but it's incredibly comforting to finally have someone confirm what you knew all along and then offer to do something about it.
Let's hope that our bosses play nice today so we make it to the weekend without getting in any trouble!!