Tuesday's Topic
Is there a way to change my default time zone on OH? I really hate that I have to calculate post times back to Central Time instead of it just saying what my time really is. For instance, Mary's post says she posted at 10pm yesterday, not 1am this morning.
QOTD -- I've worked hard to learn how to accept compliments since my surgery. I used to say thank you, then add a qualifier. "You look great!" ... "Thank you, but I have a long way to go yet." .... now, I'll just say, "Thank you." and leave it at that. But in my head I still say that second half to myself. I need to stop doing that.
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The scale can measure the weight of my body but never my worth as a woman. ~Lysa TerKeurst author of Made to Crave
HW-218/SW-208/CW-126/ Lowest Weight-121/Goal-125 - hit 8/23/09/Height-5'3"
Regain 30 lbs from 2012 to 2016 - got back on track and lost it. Took 8 months.
90+/- pounds lost BMI - 24 or so
Starting BMI between 35 and 40ish?
Join us on the Lightweights Board!
I too have problems accepting compliments. It happened just this morning. But also Sunday at church a woman told me how nice my hair was looking and instead of just saying thank you I went on and on about how I was growing it out and how its hard when its at the inbetween grown out shaggy looking stage..i wanted to stop but I just couldn't cork my mouth shut. I need to just learn how to smile and say thank you...THE END. Why is it so hard?
I feel like a new person this morning, knowing that WLS is in my future. Based on the schedule of things I have to complete first, I think I would be lucky to get it the last Monday in January..otherwise since dh will be out of state the first 2 Mondays in February I will have to wait til the 2nd half of February...but hey, i'm okay with that just knowing its happening soon. Makes for a great mood.
QOTD: Hmmmm...when someone gives me a compliment, I respond with, "You know it!" LOL!! Not really...I just say thank you. Sometimes, I get the "You don't look anything like you used to." To which I reply, "That was the point!"
Now, I have no delusions about my body. I never expected to look like a bikini model after surgery. I have not reached my "weight" goal, but that wasn't my priority in having surgery. My priority was to lose weight so I could get pregnant, not be skinny. It worked! So, while I'm no where near my goal, I'm still over a 100 pounds less than I was when I had surgery and have been for 4 years. I think my fat talk takes place mostly in my head. I KNOW what I should be doing/eating, but knowing and doing are two different things. I seem to have found a happy medium (no size pun intended) that has pretty much kept me at a stable weight. We would like to have a sibling for Dub by the time we are 42. I'll be 40 in March, so we'll probably start working on that when he's a year old. We'll see if it works or not! So that's my motivation for at least maintaining, if not losing more weight. That's a lot of fat talk....
It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are. ~e.e. cummings |
I am starting on my water this morning. I talk to much to start with. I have never hid the fact that I had or was having WLS so most everyone that I talk to knows already, but I still say I need to lose this stomach or I wish my arms looked better. Until I read the QOTD and thought about it I didn't realize how much I said more than I should. Maybe when I say thank-you I need to find a nice thing to say to the person that just gave me a compliment. That way I am not going on about me and I in turn can return the feel good feeling. I hope it ia a nice day as it was yesterday.
Drank my SF Grape Koolaid and had some cottage cheese and carbmaster yogurt now I'm going to make a protien coffee.
QOTD: I tend to do the same that most of you do and say "Thank you BUT....." and then I point out but I still have xx amount to lose, or but my hair has really been falling out, etc.....
I've really been working on that lately...just saying THANK YOU and leaving it at that. I do get a lot of people saying "how are you losing your weight' Most of the time, I just tell them that I had the WLS but also add that I am working out 4-5 times a week and eating very healthy. Try not to give them the tought that it's only the WLS contributing to the weight loss.
Have a great day everyone!
HW 300 / SW 280 / CW 138 / GW 140
Hit Goal 4/2/2010
This is the article that spun me off this morning.
Jody H. Thank You.
Kristy I would be glad to have had your company this morning. I just woke from a dead sleep going I am having surgery in less then 10 days. OMG! get on the computer and see if anything has changed. LOL
Jani Glad your back. How was the Windy?
PamT I too want to know how to change the time thing. It bugs me too. Missed you yesterday are you OK?
born2bfit One step at a time.
Tunafish 88 (Tina) hope you feel better soon.
Christine L exactly
Danielle M You have come so far.
Deborah B I am sure you are a good teacher
Jo W Leaf picture? sounds fun
moosmama some people just don't know how intrusive they are being when paying a compliment. But there intentions are probably well meant.
Cheryl B I finally got on the Yahoo HFH.WLS site. Your right it is kinda different.
And you all look fabulous to me.
Thanks for being part of my OH family!
By: Stepfanie Romine : 10/19/2009 5:14:35 PM : 65 comments : 3,879 Views

Think back to the last time someone paid you a compliment.
How did you respond?
"Thanks, but I've still got a long way to go."
"Thanks, but my butt is gigantic."
When you look in the mirror, do you zero in on the flaw or focus on the positives?
Do you lament your hips or admire your strong legs?
Do you curse your flat chest or notice your slim wrists?
Do you fret over a few fine lines or appreciate your bright smile?
Most of us have trouble accepting compliments and silencing the nagging voices inside our heads. How often do you respond with a self-deprecating or humble comment when someone says something flattering to you?
While those comments might seem innocuous, they're not. (Keep reading for some ALARMING statistics!) I'm guilty of it, and just about everyone I know is, too, from time to time.
And this week, we're all going to do something about it.
Today marks the beginning of Fat Talk Free Week, an international, five-day body activism campaign that draws attention to body image issues and the damaging impact of the thin ideal on women in society. This annual public awareness campaign is organized by Delta Delta Delta fraternity. I read about this motivating effort on a few
Tri Delta shares these stats:
81% of 10 year olds are afraid of being fat. 51% of 9 and 10 year old girls feel better about themselves if they are on a
(Mellin LM, Irwin CE & Scully S, 1992)
Barbie, the best-selling fashion doll in the world, has unattainable and unhealthy body proportions. If she were alive, her waist would be smaller than patients with anorexia nervosa, and she would be unable to menstruate. Research has shown that very young girls (ages 5-7) who are exposed to Barbie have lower body esteem and want a thinner body than they have.
(Dittmar, Halliwell, & Ive, 2006)
More than 2/3 of women ages 18-25 would rather be mean or stupid than be fat and over 50% would rather be hit by a truck.
(Martin, 2007)
1 in 4 women have avoided engaging in a physical activity or sport because they feel badly about the way they look.
(Dove, Beyond Stereotypes: Rebuilding the Foundation of Beauty Beliefs)
So what can we do about all this Fat Talk?
Tri Delta offers five ways to cut the Fat Talk.
- Choose one friend or family member and discuss one thing you each like about yourself.
- Keep a journal of all the good things your body allows you to do (e.g., sleep well and wake up rested, play tennis, etc.).
- Pick one friend to make a pact with to avoid Fat Talk. When you catch your friend talking negatively about her (or his) body, remind her of the pact.
- Make a pledge to end complaints about your body, such as "I'm so flat-chested" or "I hate my legs." When you catch yourself doing this, make a correction by saying something positive about that body part, such as, "I'm so glad my legs got me through soccer practice today."
- The next time someone gives you a compliment, rather than objecting ("No, I'm so fat"), practice taking a deep breath and saying "thank you."
Today, I signed the promise form. No more fat talk for me! I urge you to do the same.
In addition, I challenge you to "pay it forward" and post a note for Operation Beautiful, a wonderful motivational website started by blogger Caitlin Boyle. (Read her interview with the dailySpark.) She lives random messages of kindness and positive self-image in public places, then photographs them and posts them on her website--and encourages others to post messages and email them to her. (She recently got a book deal, too!)
Are you guilty of "Fat Talk"? Will you participate in Fat Talk Free Week? Will you post an Operation Beautiful note?
Gonna have lunch soon....I made chicken last night that was fab!
Q: I had such a hard time accepting a compliment, especially in the beginning. But my co-workers taught me how haha.
Now when I'm asked how I lost the weight I still tell them I had gbs, but I always preface it with. "The surgery allowed me to loose the weight, but now It's up to me to keep it off". I make sure they understand that this is not a free ride and that it's up to me and the choices I make that will allow me to be successful.
I really dislike people who "assume" this is easy. They are usually the people who also say....yea I know someone who had the surgery, they regained all their weight! I just look at them and say, well than obviously it's not easy!!! (Like when Ron said that on The Biggest Looser...I just wanted to find him and smack him!!
Ok, enough ranting :), have a great day all,
You don't have to have a lump to have breast cancer!
Inflammatory Breast Cancer