Freak out Friday Java!
Just can't sleep
Got Celestrial season's Applespice tea w/vanilla protein powder and a shot of carmal SF syrup.
What's in you Cup?
QOTD: This one is dedicated to KJWood. LOL
It si Freak out Friday! Since some of you work hard all week and are drained byFriday, Any One can Freak about anything they want to.... You get Five Freaks to post then be done with it!
Have a Great Day!
BTW: KJWood I would like to invite you to be added to my friends list or you can add me if you like!
on 10/15/09 9:26 pm
My protein this a.m. is coffee, skim milk and unflavored protein.
#1 Still serching for a costume for tonight, Halloween party starts at 5:30. Yikies!
#2 Meijers Express Lane
I have two items and the person ahead of me has 20...what they don't know the difference between 12 and 20!
# 3 My friend that called me yesterday to help her get out of her locked car...Yes you read it right she was inside the car and was locked in.. It reminded me of the joke a few years back. The lady that got locked inside her car and had to call a lock smith to get her out and all the time her window was rolled down.. lol
# 4 When were suppose to leave on vacation on a Thursday and hubby comes home Monday night and says "lets leave tomorrow morning" and my luggage is still in the basement.
# 5 When I look at the clock and its noon and my protein/coffee cup is still half full..

Freak #2 People who drive slow in the fast lane

Freak #3 A scale that lies.

Freak #4 when my son thinks he knows it all

Freak #5 Me freaking out

ditto on all but #5-it was my daughter and thank God they'er all over that now

I've been up with Nick since about 4:15 this morning. I made the mistake of telling him he was going to the pool today before he went to bed last night. I think he thought if he got up early then mom would get the bus to come early.
I'm so glad it's Friday! Work has been just brutal lately. I am going to do a whole lot of nothing this weekend.
Here are my freak outs, all people-related:
1. Me. My ADD is causing me to just not get anything done at work, and my desk is under a mountain of paperwork
2. The guys in my house. They are slobs, and very spoiled. I just want a day off from cleaning and laundry and changing diapers, etc.
3. Medical registration people that say "Ummm hmmm" after every digit of your phone number. Just let me say the whole thing before you say that!
4. The neighbors on my street. They are all a bunch of turds that don't even say hi to each other. I imagined we would all be like Desperate Housewives when I moved here. No one even looks at each other as we're leaving in the morning.
5. People that send dumb forwards to me via email.
Have a super day!
ETA-It's bosses day. What crap! When is it employee day? I can't stand my boss and had to shell out $40 for flowers or she will pout and be unbearable the rest of the month. Ugh.
Your tea sounds so good this morning. Working on water . . getting ready to head out to Flint for a doctor's appointment.
Here's my five;
1 . . Ranting . .when you've been waiting in line and they open a new line and the person just walking up gets in line before you . . . why don't they say "can I help who's next in line"????
2 . . Ranting . . People who roll through stop signs
3 . . Raving about the beautiful Michigan Fall
4 . . Raving about being home alone tonight . . . what will I do???
5 . . Raving that my cyber friends are so nice!
Have a good Friday!
Highest 319/Lowest 180/Current 181/Goal 170
1. Drained is an understatement.

2. Breaking in a new boss is mentally exhausting

3. Prescribed meds are evil

4. WLS cops should be punished (LOL)

5. Finally, I will finish with a postiive freak out, my hubby going to 2nd shift has saved our marriage, we finally have som spark

Have a great one
We write our own destiny. We become what we do.