Update on my progress
I posted a blog on my profile, but I thought I'd post it here too.
I got a phone call the other day from Stacy (the girl from the insurance department at Barix Clinic) and she told me there was a change in my coverage. She told me I no longer needed to do the 6 month doctor supervised diet. Since my BMI is way up there, she said I just need to be diagnosed with a comorbidity (?? on spelling??). She noticed in my charts that I have had high blood pressure on different visits. She asked me if I had been diagnosed with hypertension and I told her no. She told me if I could get diagnosed with it and get prescribed a medication, than she could send my paperwork into our insurance for appoval. She also noticed about me having gestational diabeties and having sugar issues. Again, I have never been diagnosed with it. Just borderline I have been told. She told me I could get checked to see if I can be diagnosed with diabetes. Then, the 3rd route she told me I could try would be to go and get a sleep study done to see if I have sleep apnea!! I really don't want to go that route because of the distance I would have to travel for it and then I know from experience, my husband had it done and we had to shell out just over 200 bucks just for the machine. So, I don't want to go that route to pay out the money then not have to even use the machine after WLS. So, I am praying my doc will work with me on the hypertension diagnoses. She knows I have had an issue with high blood pressure before. I was even told to buy a home blood pressure machine to keep track and write down my blood pressure for my doc.
That is where I am right now. I have an appointment this Monday, so please keep me in your thoughts and prayers.
I am working at changes, but I am struggling with food. I know this surgery will be the tool I need to help me in that area.
God Bless,

Highest weight: 309 pounds ~ October, 2009
PATS ~ Monday, February 22, 2010
RNY ~ Wednesday, March 3, 2010 ~ weight morning of surgery: 279 pounds
7 Months out to the date ~ Total loss of 100 pounds!! October 3, 2010: 179 pounds
February 1, 2011 ~ weigh 146 pounds
on 10/15/09 9:53 pm
I too have Hypertension and borderline diabeties. I have been on water/blood pressure meds for the pass 15 years. My blood pressure sense my surgery on Aug 20 has been running around 117/76 and as low as 111/72.
My BP didn't go down until about two weeks ago. And right after my surgery (up to two weeks after) my BP ran 207/104 which is HIGH for me being on meds.
The sleep apnea they never suggested to me, to my knowledge I don't have it.
I had my surgery with Dr Taylor but it was Dr Pop (Barix Clinic) that release me from the hospital. Good Luck to you and will keep you in my prayers.
Regarding the sleep study. I'd recommend getting it done if you have any hint that you might have sleep apnea. Not just for the diagnosis for your approval, but for your health. You don't really want to stop breathing while you're on the operating table, right? People who have sleep apnea and go under anesthesia need to be treated differently because of the risk of breating issues. So even if you get diagnosed, you don't necessarily need to get the machine... this one is for your health and safety during the actual surgery.
Good luck!
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Visit my blog: Journey to a Healthier Me ...or my Website
The scale can measure the weight of my body but never my worth as a woman. ~Lysa TerKeurst author of Made to Crave
You don't have to have a lump to have breast cancer!
Inflammatory Breast Cancer
I have to say, I read this before I left this morning and I got a chuckle!! It helped me forget about worrying for a minute!! LOL
I showed John, too!! He went with me. I love that man!! He works midnights, and only got 3 hours of sleep today. He wants to be there and support me every inch!!
Thanks again, Edie, I needed that this morning. (I didn't get a chance to reply, we were running late, but I did read it)
God Bless,

Highest weight: 309 pounds ~ October, 2009
PATS ~ Monday, February 22, 2010
RNY ~ Wednesday, March 3, 2010 ~ weight morning of surgery: 279 pounds
7 Months out to the date ~ Total loss of 100 pounds!! October 3, 2010: 179 pounds
February 1, 2011 ~ weigh 146 pounds
I posted a new post from my visit from today!!
God Bless!!

Highest weight: 309 pounds ~ October, 2009
PATS ~ Monday, February 22, 2010
RNY ~ Wednesday, March 3, 2010 ~ weight morning of surgery: 279 pounds
7 Months out to the date ~ Total loss of 100 pounds!! October 3, 2010: 179 pounds
February 1, 2011 ~ weigh 146 pounds