Monday, Monday!
What's brewing this morning? Gotta get my coffee going.
Getting ready for my in-laws coming for lunch later this morning. Glad the weather is SO nice-will be having lunch outside!
How was the weekend? Marvelous, here! Nice bike ride around Gull Lake Saturday. Busy Sunday.
QOTD-What do you do really well? Reading yesterday's posts, I think I am a good, basic cook. Nothing fancy, but very good at the basics. Can give my Mom credit for making me a basic cook. Loved Home-Ec in school and actually wanted to be a Home-Ec teacher.
Have a wonderful day...
Hi all.
I'm going to try to restrain myself from *****iness today. I have gone up 2 clothes sizes since my TT in February. I couldn't find anything to wear today that didn't make me look like a sausage bursting at the seams. I just want to cry, but instead I'm at work and I'm going to make everyone around me miserable (insert evil cackle here).
Weekend was pretty good. I realized that I like being at home with nothing to do. I'm going to try to do all of my work on Saturdays from now on. Then Sunday will be just a hanging out day.
QOTD-Let's see....I think I'm a pretty good mom and aunt. I'm also a kick butt gift-giver. Oh yeah, and there is my career as an "internet looker-upper". I can't think of anything else. I do cook a lot, and I'm pretty good at it, but I only do it because I have to. I don't love to do it, which I think is what makes people excel at things.
Well it is Monday already. A new business week begins. So I guess I had better get busy.
QOTD: What do you do really well?
I have a good handle on computer stuff. Not the mechanics but the use of software.
For instance:
Brenda needs to add her Taco Cake picture to her forum posts
Brenda must load her Taco Cake picture to her doc/my pix on her computer
Brenda needs to upload the Taco Cake picture to her photos on her OH site
Brenda then can copy and paste her Taco Cake picture in her forum post
Brenda can then say Oh how cool!
See I hope this helps Brenda Show us that Taco Cake.
And I have just gave a working example of how to get a pix on your forum post.
Brenda thanks for allowing me to use you as an example.
And cheer up life gets better.
If you want to make it larger or smaller you can select edit under your post and then left click on one time. then at the outer edeg of the photo will be little squares at the corner of the picture, click and drag, the little square, in or out to re-size.

Your a good student.
Hope your day is going better.
And that Cake looks Yummy too.
what a fabulous ideal
I made a cake that looked like a hamburger and French Frys once.