
Tuesday Morning Coffee

Deborah B.
on 9/7/09 9:20 pm, edited 9/7/09 9:49 pm - Kalamazoo, MI
Good Morning everyone!
Got your morning mug?
Good to be back. Hope everyone had a marvelous Labor Day weekend. Hats off to all our Bridge walkers. Didn't the weather play out absolutely perfect?? I can't believe the trees that are already turning up north.
Had a great bicycle trip! 285 miles. 2300 riders in various parts of east/west side of the state The people I pedaled with were so much fun. Got lost :-( on Saturday which is a little scary on a bike. Had to be "found" by the support people. Sunday we did the "Tunnel of Trees" north of Petoskey-if you've never been there, GO-it is breath-takingly beautiful.
QOTD-Today is the first day of school for a lot of children! Whats your best first day memory? Wearing our new dresses for the first day was my favorite thing (we couldn't wear pants till jr. high school). I loved the new supplies we got-especially the new box of crayons and paste.....
Go brew your coffee or whatever and enjoy
5'5.5" 6.6 cc in a 10 cc band
Brenda M.
on 9/7/09 9:39 pm - Westland, MI
Hi Deb and everyone!
Deb, what an amazing feat!  I'm glad you got "found" on your trip!

I realized last night that I only have two more (after today) 'First Day of School's with my youngest.  I still remember kindergarten for him like it was yesterday.  Sigh.  I remember my first day of kindergarten.  I was terrified, then turned around to see my mom leave and thought, 'I'm all on my own.  No one is in charge of me!!! YESSSSS!'  My mom said she turned to look at me one last time and I had the hugest smile on my face.  Then I realized that there were going to be other adults there to tell me what to do, so the joy was short lived. 

I'm drinking my sf instant breakfast then going off to work.  No more days off until Thanksgiving!!

Hope you all have a good day!
Marilyn Schurman
on 9/7/09 10:24 pm - Holland, MI

QOTD - Aaaah, yes, the first day of school; what a magical time. I, too, remember the new crayons, pencils, ruler, little box to keep these things, new shoes, new dress.......Well, now that I drive school bus for special needs kids, I still love the first day of school.
I really miss missing out of the first weeks of school due to surgery, but WLS is worth it.

I'm gonna put my protein powder into yogurt this morning and then have a cup of chicken broth. Iknow, I know; sounds not good but is. I got started on that one time when I was ill, and I liked it so much better than coffee that  I stayed with it. I use the chicken base that comes as a paste; I got it at Gordon Food Service. Yummy. I bought all the ingredients for Pam Tremble's Chai Tea Protein drink. (google Pam Tremble to find her terrific blog). Then I'll have some of that.

Today I'm almost 3 weeks out from WLS. I've lost 39 # since the beginning of August, but I've been stalled for about a week now. hmmmmm. Time for more exercise?
Today I see the Nutritionist and the Exercise Therapist. I think I get to advance to the next phase of foods. Yum.
Glad to hear you all had a good Labor Day Weekend. Hope you soon find an nswer, Jani!! Glad the move went well.

I'll put October 10 activities on the calendar and hope it works out, too! Don't y'all love the smells of Fall and leaves, trees, and apples?

Have a great day!

Marilyn Schurman                    
on 9/7/09 10:28 pm - Baraga, MI
Cats woke me up early demanding to be let out, so I am online without any beverage so far.  I am sad because my cat ABBY (about 5 yrs old, she was already grown up when I got her) has been misisng since Fri.  She is fixed btw.  She has a routine since she is indoor/outdoor cat.  Unfortunately, Fri was a full moon and the coyotes and owls were noisy that night when I couldn't find her. 

I am off to see the doctor today in Marquette (2 hrs from here)!  I am almost 6 mo out but go monthly while trying to get myself back on track here.  I see the dietician next week.  So there will be a little shopping and my oldest is coming with my mom and I.  We have to take her to get school clothes.  The other 2 are set but she doesn't have anything yet.  Talk about last minute lol.  Wish us luck.  This girls is a comedian/tom boy who hates shopping and dresses like a boy.  She is starting 7th grade and I am hoping she will shed some of that boyish look for some more femine style.

I posted a ? on the main board about wigs and extensions.  I think I need them.  What is your 2 cents on them? 

My kids start school tomorrow.  Every year I cook them breakfast their first day and we take pics (I hate cooking lol)!  My memories of MY first days of school were of my family walking us all there that crisp fall day.  Oh and of course deciding what to wear and new school supplies!
on 9/7/09 10:36 pm - Bay City, MI
Good Morning!
Great job Deb . . . how great that must feel.  I know how victorious I felt with a 10k I can't even wrap my arms around what it feels like   . . . 285 miles.
I've been to the "Tunnel of Trees" isn't it awesome!

QOTD- My younger brother and sister still tease me about my first day of school because I ruined it for them.  We lived within walking distance of the school so my mom walked me to my kindergarten class, the door was on the outside of the room so you walked right into a mud room where you hung your coat and then on to the classroom. I stood there holding the door open and waving at my mom and as soon as she left I hide in the bush outside the classroom door . . . I wasn't planning on staying it didn't look like much fun to me. . . so after about an hour or so some nosy guy across the street from the school called to tell them there was a little girl in the bushes (me) and they came looking for me . . . needless to say both my parents came to get me . . . my dad got called out of work and so on my brother and sister's first day of school they were walked to school by our dad . . . I think my butt is still sore from the "lesson" I learned . . . . lol

Going to drink my new mixture of protein hot chocolate.

Highest 319/Lowest 180/Current 181/Goal 170


Pam T.
on 9/7/09 11:56 pm - Saginaw, MI
Good morning all!

Already finished my coffee and chai tea... getting ready for breakfast in a few.  My pouch has been grouchy for the past several days, I'm hoping today is better but rather than risk it, I've got soft-ish foods planned for most of today. 

QOTD -- Even to this day I have this strange obsession about school supplies - except nowadays it's "office supplies."  I love the isles of school stuff in all the stores at this time of the year and in the coming weeks when stuff goes on clearance, I usually buy stuff I don't really need.  Remember the movie "Sleepless in Seattle" and the line about loving the smell of freshly sharpened pencils ... yeah, that's me to a T. 

Have a great day all!

My Recipe Index is packed full of yumminess!
Visit my blog: Journey to a Healthier Me  ...or my Website

The scale can measure the weight of my body but never my worth as a woman. ~Lysa TerKeurst author of Made to Crave


on 9/8/09 12:06 am - Chelsea, MI
The beginning of the school year for me, as a teacher, ALWAYS meant a FRESH, NEW pack of SHARPIES!!!!  And cute sticky-notes.  Usually pink.  LOL!  


It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are.  ~e.e. cummings
on 9/8/09 1:31 am - Davison, MI
You're a girl after my own heart.  Must be in the jeans as my oldest DD is even more anal than I about school supplies.

BAND REMOVED 9-4-12-fought insurance to get sleeve and won! Sleeved 1/22/13! Five years out and trying to get that last 15 pounds back off.

on 9/8/09 12:02 am - Chelsea, MI
Good morning.  Just put Dub down for his AM nap, usually a short one.  I've always wanted to do the Labor Day Big Mac walk.  We were going to this year, but just couldn't commit early enough not knowing how things would be with a new baby at that point.  So, maybe next year. 

Dub is napping.  Later, we are heading to Hillsdale to spend the night with my inlaws.  Tuesday nights are symphony practice and rehearsals begin tonight.  Since, I won't be done til 9, which doesn't get us home til 10:30, we're just spending the night.

QOTD:  I don't really remember any specific 1st days of school.  I loved all days of school!  It is definitely weird, though, not 'going back to school (work)' today.  Especially, when I chat with all my work friends.  I miss them, probably, more than work.  AND I definitely don't miss the drive or getting up at 5AM.  All of which I've said before...recently...LOL! 


It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are.  ~e.e. cummings
on 9/8/09 12:06 am - GARDEN CITY, MI
Good morning everyone

No cup of anything yet. I am working on it.

QOTD: I don't remember much about my first day of school, But my favorite memory of first days of school was that of my first born.

I enrolled my kid in a chatholic school. On this September morn, the kids were very excited. I took my youngest to her kindergarten class the teacher was a nice young lady. Miss Paccif-something. MY daughter came to me and said By Mom Miss Stinkyfeeties is my new teacher.

Then I took my son to his first grade class room. as he found his name on the desk and began to put his school supplies in it. He looked around the room. Pulled me down so no one could hear and asked "Who is that old witch?" And  it hit me he had never seen a nun. This one was about 75yrs old and dressed in full black habit. She turned out to be just that. He hated school after that. always trying to run away and go home. Getting in fights.
He must have been suspended from school about 30 times, he even got flunked one year, from that day until he graduated 

I can not express the Pride and Joy I felt when Both of my children recieved there deplomas on the same day. They started pre-school together and graduated together.

"When we stop running away from the situation that is scary - that is the moment we discover how strong we really are. So, acknowledge your strength...rejoice in it...and start breathing in life, as the beautiful, strong soul (being) that you truly are." - Rachna Sirtaj.......Love & Peace

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