Phych Evaluation
So, please keep me in your thoughts and prayers tomorrow!!!
God Bless,

Highest weight: 309 pounds ~ October, 2009
PATS ~ Monday, February 22, 2010
RNY ~ Wednesday, March 3, 2010 ~ weight morning of surgery: 279 pounds
7 Months out to the date ~ Total loss of 100 pounds!! October 3, 2010: 179 pounds
February 1, 2011 ~ weigh 146 pounds
How are you at filling out tiny circles? That is likely what you will be doing, especially if your insurance requires two psych evals.
Just be yourself. While this is a screening tool, it really is meant for your benefit. If there is any reason that a psych eval would disqualify you for WLS, it would likely be temporary --- and that is a good thing. You really want to be in a good place emotionally for this journey.
It just really isn't all that in-depth though. If you find yourself getting emotional, go with it. You are human, and this is an emotional journey.
~ I am the proud wife of a Guatemalan, but most people call me Kimberley
Highest Known Weight = 370# / 59.7 bmi @ 5'6"
Current Weight = 168# / 26.4 bmi : fluctuates 5# either way @ 5'7" / more than 90% EWL
Normal BMI (24.9) = 159#: would have to compromise my muscle mass to get here without plastics, so this is not a goal.
I my DS. Don't go into WLS without knowing ALL of your options:
They also want to know that your are not Bulimia or have some other mental issues that would be self harmful.
At my evaluation I was asked stuff like
Why do you feel you need WLS?
What have you tried in the past?
How will you cope with your new eating style and your social life.
do you have other interest that you can pursuit like hobbies and stuff instead of eating.
what will you do instead of eating.
Is there any history of abuse to you.
what do you think will be the hardest for you
what is your expectation of the surgery
what is your ideal goal weight.
Family history.
what is the most weight you have ever lost.
stuff like that.
You have the answers just relax and be your self.
You know what you want and why
Thank you, all!!
I am pretty much calm right now. I actually slept last night which I didn't think I would.
I will pray and give it over to God. Let Him be in control.
We are on our way out for Flint area!! It's about a 2 hour drive.
Think of me...................
God Bless,

Highest weight: 309 pounds ~ October, 2009
PATS ~ Monday, February 22, 2010
RNY ~ Wednesday, March 3, 2010 ~ weight morning of surgery: 279 pounds
7 Months out to the date ~ Total loss of 100 pounds!! October 3, 2010: 179 pounds
February 1, 2011 ~ weigh 146 pounds

Ok, just getting in from a long day!!
I made it through!! LOL
I prayed and gave it over to God and all the way down to where we had to go, we just talked and listened to music. I was pretty calm.
Dr. Williams was very nice and not intimadating at all. He was easy to talk to. (I am glad he was suggested to me!!

I had to watch a video and then answer two different tests. The first test had 344 questions on it (bubble answers) and the second test was 80 questions (circle correct answer) So, by the time I was done, I had a headache!! LOL
But, I did it.
That part done, now I just have to wait and see if I pass it and can move on in this journey.
Thank you all who prayed and kept me in your thoughts sure helped.
God Bless,

Highest weight: 309 pounds ~ October, 2009
PATS ~ Monday, February 22, 2010
RNY ~ Wednesday, March 3, 2010 ~ weight morning of surgery: 279 pounds
7 Months out to the date ~ Total loss of 100 pounds!! October 3, 2010: 179 pounds
February 1, 2011 ~ weigh 146 pounds