Meal planning question
I would like everyone's input on this - good bad and ugly.
My WLS doc said that if I get another 50 pounds off he will give the approval for plastics. I know I need to shake things up a bit, but one of my major issue is family food planning.
My question is - do you plan separate meals for yourself vs your family? My husband and MIL are very picky eaters and don't eat alot of fish, vegetables or fruit. It makes my life difficult. If it was up to them, we would have meat (generally beef) and potatoes and bread at our meals.
If I plan something different, I get the "ugly" looks that I don't like what they are having. My MIL don't even like the smell of fish cooking, but I could eat fish or seafood most of the time.
I am lost at what to do, so I am looking to you's for help
We write our own destiny. We become what we do.
Sure you're really being mean - how could you dare help them to eat healthier/live longer/feel better - you old meanie you LOL

grilled chicken salad and only cook one breast each
grilled chicken from KFC
shrimp kabobs
chicken kabobs with veggies
stir Fry's.
and if all else fails tell them to fend for themselves
have the fish for a meal that they are not home. like lunch
mine are meat and potatoes eaters. and they like their junk food too.
I just tell them They must eat what I prepare or go hungry.
And If they choose to get the bad stuff they better not bring it in the house.
The problem is, I am the last one home. My MIL who is 86 lives with us and she wants dinner on the table when I get home. She has no idea how to eat properly. If she does have vegetables, they are usually boiled to death or fried in a gallon of oil.
I have tried talking, but it works for about 3 days, and they are back in the old habits.
Some days it is just a losing battle, I get tired of fighting.
We write our own destiny. We become what we do.
I am not one to say throw in the towel very often, but this time, I say throw it in.
My suggestion for you is to make your lunch at work your main meal of the day. They sell gorton's grilled frozen fish fillets that I hear are good (I hate fish, so I can't help you there). You can make yourself some shrimp salad, etc. Pack a yummy, healthy lunch for yourself that no one can comment on.
Then, when you get home, make dinner the way DH and MIL want it. You are not going to change those two any time soon. If you can, have small portions of what they are having. Make yourself a side of cottage cheese with whatever beef dish is being served. Maybe serve a plate of raw veggies with low fat dip for you and your son. You don't even have to be preachy about it, just have both kinds of foods on the table.
I know it's frustrating, but you can't change a leopard's spots...know what I mean? Your job is to figure out what makes you happy and healthy without upsetting the family. It will be much easier to adapt than to change an old lady's mind!
Good luck!!
That is generally what I try to do. Eat the meat and have something else with it, fresh veggies or a salad.
My hubby just told me he is going back on second shift, so it will make it a bit easier. My MIL loves soup, so I can make soups and stews ahead of time and she can reheat for supper and hopefully solve some of my issues.
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The scale can measure the weight of my body but never my worth as a woman. ~Lysa TerKeurst author of Made to Crave
Long time, no posting! Well, most of the time, my family fends for themselves, at least my DH does. but I understand you cant do that in your case. Take last night for instance, I made spaghetti. I had the sauce (with lots of meat, like stew meat and hamburger and sausage) and cottage cheese, left the noodles for the kid and hubby. When I make chicken and rice then I just have the chicken part. I usually have a side of cottage cheese with everything.
I won't lie either, I have more than a wls patient's share of carbs - Those starchy *******s!
You can also have yogurt and strawberries for dessert for you and your first grader :) after everyone leaves the table and heads to the couch in their carb induced comas....
BTW, if you don't use DiNick for your plastics, I will personally kick your ass! that way i can come visit ya at the clinic. I vow to meet you face to face one of these days.
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