3 Pound Weight Gain
Everyone was right, my tastes are changing. It's getting so I don't care much for the protein shakes anymore, and that made up 42 gm of protein a day because I mix it with 2 cups of skimmed milk. I'm still trying to drink it down, but it's hard. I'm still walking the dogs, but for the past three days my lower back has been killing me, and when I walk the muscles in my middle back get sore. Now I'm starting to sound like a hypochondriac. I'm feeling a little bit of a let down right now. Not much positive energy here right now. Plus we're still waiting to hear about closing.
blah blah blah blah blah
Personally.... I don't care what anyone else's scale says but the one in my bathroom. Even my surgeon's medical chart has a different weight than what I consider my official starting weight (mine is 299.4, theirs is around 304 or something like that).
Pick ONE scale and use it as your official scale. Then anytime you weigh on anyone else's scale, ignore it. It doesn't count. It's not official, it's not real... so who cares what it says.
Ok.... so let's talk about an actual gain.
Remember that a pound of fat requires an EXCESS of 3500 calories (over and above what your body would need in a typical day which is around 2500 calories). So that'd mean you would have to have eaten 10,500 EXTRA calories. Have you done that? Nah... I didn't think so. So we know it's not fat gain, right?
So what is it? Water or poop.
If you are not drinking enough water, your body will begin to retain water. (I know, it's stupid.) So when you increase your water intake, your body will released the water it's holding and you'll see a drop in the scale. Or maybe you're constipated and you got a 3lbs turd (sorry, gross!). Or maybe you just happened to have a dehydrated date a few days ago and that reading that was 3lbs lower wasn't real and now you've fluctuated back up to the real number. It could be one of a million different things.
Stop weighing every day (if you are). Your weight will fluctuate daily and weekly... the sooner you come to a place of peace with the scale, the better. Don't let the scale screw with your mind. It's a piece of plastic with nuts and bolts - it doesn't determine your self worth.
If your tastes are changing, then just keep changing protein. Try different things until you find what works. I found that my tastes were totally screwed up for the first 2 weeks, then I had a switcheroo after that... then around 2 months, things changed again. It's just a big game of experimentation. :-)
Chin up girlie. You're doing GREAT! I'm so proud of you.
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The scale can measure the weight of my body but never my worth as a woman. ~Lysa TerKeurst author of Made to Crave
on 8/18/09 8:28 am
Everything Pam says sounds right to me, even the 3 # poop!

But what do I know I havn't even had my surgery yet..But trust me I will be asking Pam and you all kinds of question when I get back home.
Hey Jan I do believe that the folks up north say
"Were going down state" so that is a new saying you can pick up..

Good luck on your house closing and if your ever "going down state" maybe we could do lunch with Shelly sometime.
We have a scale here at work and I weight 5lbs heavier . . . I have a scale at home that is just about right on with my doctors office.
I remember freaking out early on when I went another doc's office when my doc was on vacation and I weighted about 4lbs heavier . . . when I went for my follow up the following week at my regular doc's office I was down.
Don't stress . . . your doing great!
Highest 319/Lowest 180/Current 181/Goal 170
Don't worry Jan, you seem to be following the rules, you'll get there! Just stick to one scale and weigh around the same time everyday/time/weigh in, whatever you choose, just make it consistant!!! Very important.
You don't have to have a lump to have breast cancer!
Inflammatory Breast Cancer
beautiful jan-
i know how frustrating it can be... i lost nothing for 2 weeks straight and then dropped 11# in 2 days!! ignor all the other scales and go by yours.. it is the "official" one... there are so many different reasons why.. i am having a heck of a time right now getting my protein now too... i know what you are going through.. keep your *****singular!!) up and it will begin dropping again soon.. you are loved here..xo katie