My story and a few questions
Who goes to the support groups ? Is it the same peeps every week ? I'm thinking of attending one.
I'm feeling much better, I had a pretty bad bout with an infected incision. Had a fever for a few days. Played phone tag with the clinic nurse for three days. Finally my incicsion popped open and a bunch of yuck squirted and oozed out for days. Went to Hurley ER. they cleaned it and gave me antibiotics. Went to the clinic the following Tuesday to hav the PA pissed off that Hurley did not pack it . So here I'am packing the wound twice a day and homecare is coming twice a week to check on it for me. I go back to see the PA Tuesday again. Can't wait for this to close up. I'm almost 3 weeks post op and have only lost 20 pounds total. Thats including the weigth I lost doing the liquid diet pre op. Is this normal ?
Talk to you all soon

I had RNY at Hurley 4 years ago. Unfortunately, though, I don't attend any of the support group meetings because I live an hour and a half away. I do miss that part of surgery support as I've never found a good, long-lasting group around here. But I get lots of support here and from my friends that have had surgery, too. So, it's all good.
Hope things continue to improve for you! Tina
It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are. ~e.e. cummings |
I had my surgery at Hurley also....RNY on March 9th of this year. I don't go to the Monday support group because I live an hour away. I may start going at some point though but it seems when the time comes for them, I can't get out of work on time to get to the meeting on time, etc.
I do attend a Bay City Support Group that is lead by Pam T. who does go to the Hurley support groups and I'm sure you've seen on these boards.
I hope your incision heals us soon!!
I think 20 lbs is great so far....including the pre-op that's 4 lbs per week average.
HW 300 / SW 280 / CW 138 / GW 140
Hit Goal 4/2/2010
I am two weeks out with the sleeve and doing well. The most depressing part is the lack of energy. I am not sure if/when I will go to Hurley support group meetings because of the drive, so am hopefyl to find some more local. I know that support is essential to learning the tricks and ways to be successful.
Hope your wound heals quickly. Mine healed splendidly and have had no problems at all. Daily washings and towel dryings (sometimes twice or three times per day) I am sure have made the difference.
Congratulations on your surgery! But I'm sorry you're having issues with your wound healing. Hopefully that will clear up quickly. Next time you go to Hurley's ER, make sure they know to page the bariatric surgeon on call --- also keep that emergency number from Hurley on you at all times so you can make the call if you need to.
I also met the new Nut a couple weeks ago at the support meeting. I like her very much and can't wait to meet with her to discuss some stuff. But I'll probably just wait until my 2-year appointment in November.
20 pounds in 3 weeks is awesome! You're right on track and doing well. Stop using the word "only" --- no more negative self talk! Every pound is a celebration! :-)
Yes, come to the support meetings! Hurley's official meeting is the first Monday of the month right at the clinic (5:30pm - 7:00). Then the informal Flint group is usually the third Monday of the month at Hurley Health and Fitness (corner of Saginaw and Hemphill) at 5:30. But because of the Crim this month, we're moved back a week... so come join us on the 24th. I think in-person support groups are essential to our success. I attend 3 a month and think it's help to keep me on track and focused on my journey.
Glad to meet you! Can't wait to see you in person.
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The scale can measure the weight of my body but never my worth as a woman. ~Lysa TerKeurst author of Made to Crave
Keep in touch, good luck, and heal fast!!
253/234.5/143.5/199/160normal/145goal 5'7" tall

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Hello Tee and welcome to the Looser's Bench!!
I'm sorry about your complications! I was lucky to have never had all that!! I hope when you're at the place I am now (21 months post-op), you'll look back and think it was a small price to pay for your new life!!
I think you're weight loss is GREAT!! Think about it ... 20 pounds in 3 weeks!!!??!! WOW!!! There will be a lot of mini-stalls and fast weight-dumps, in the next few months, but with each one, you'll be getting healthier!
Support Groups: To be honest with you ... Next to my surgery, it's the best thing I did for myself!!! I'm not a real "joiner" by nature, so the first few times I went I felt really uncomfortable. I sat in the back, and felt like they knew one another so well, that I'd never fit in.
Then all of a sudden, I found myself really looking forward to going. The group is so mixed, that you'll find that they're about as different, as a group of individuals can be ... but we all share this same struggle with our weight. There's nothing you can say that will shock them - they've all been though it, too. Everyone in there has experienced the sadness, frustration, rejection, etc of being overweight, and they all want to help. You'll find that you'll leave feeling really good about yourself, and with a lot of good ideas and some new friends!
I go to the more formal session at Hurley Health Center (1st Monday of the month), but I really look forward to the FABS Group on the 3rd Monday, held at the Hurley Health Center. FABS is more informal - and you can ask or talk about anything that you need help with.
Oh ... and the new Hurley NUT - I agree, she's great!
Hang in there - and keep us informed on how you're doing!!!