Phych Evaluation
Sure, you might be nervous. Who wouldn't be? Some of them use tests; mine didn't, but my psychologist now used a test when I first met her.
As the others told you, insurance companies want to make sure you will follow through. This is expensive surgery and you are making a big commitment to it. Will you be compliant? Will you follow the diet? You'd be surprised at how many people start out after surgery and decide they don't want to follow the post-op all-liquid diet. One nurse told me a story of a patient who, the day he was released, went to the drive-through at McDonald's and ordered a Big Mac meal and super-sized it. Obviously, someone missed something on the psych eval! He was back in the ER an hour later. Not saying you'd do that, but that's the kind of things they're looking for.
Good luck to you ... e-mail if you need to talk.
I think sometimes some people are their own biggest fans!!!!

Danielle ~ thanks for your reply!! Wow, I just noticed how far you have come!! CONGRATS!!
Brenda ~ WOW 3 hours!! I hope mine wouldn’t last that long. EEKKKS
That makes sense about the insurance company wanting to make sure I know what I’m getting into.
I think your suggestion about posting a new message asking other’s near me where they went. I have a list of places to call and was going to do that Monday. But, I have worried just to pick one and go and then them NOT passing me. Thanks for that suggestion!!
I will have to remember to tell them I’m nervous!! LOL
Thanks for the encouragement and about us all being a few fries short of a happy meal ~ too funny. LOL
Decker ~ I have done so much reading on the WLS I want!! LOL I have obsessed with reading up on it and I know what’s going to happen, however, for me to have to explain it to them, that scares me. I don’t speak well, and would probably mess it up then they will think I’m not ready. ARGG, I hope they don’t ask me that one!! What is MMPI-2???
I will have to remember your suggestion on answering just the question, but I think I’ll do that as I will be afraid ~ HEHEHEHE
Thanks for the encouragement and help.
Pam ~ first I have to tell you I LOVE going to Saginaw!! We live near West Branch and make it there quite often!! LOVE Petsmart and my hubby of course loves Old Country Buffett and the chineese restaurant!! I know, that will change for us soon!! LOL
Anyways, I like how your evaluation went!! I hope mine goes something like that!! LOL
I will try to relax and do some deep breathing beforehand!! LOL
I am sure I will want to kick myself after it is done, I seem to worry so much over things, then they seem to turn out like it was no big deal!!
I’m just a worry wart.
Debbiejean ~ thanks for your input here ~ I sure hope I don’t fail. I think that would make it even worse on me to go back!!
Pineview ~ Just wanted to thank you for also taking the time to respond!! So, I should bring a book to read, maybe, for the waiting time!! LOL
Jani ~ WOW, yours went really quick and easy!! I hope mine goes as quick and easy.
Rachelynka ~ I soooooo appreciate your answer on some of the questions you were asked!! (I just love reading your posts!!) Anyways, you have given me questions to start thinking about and preparing for. I, in a way, would like to keep seeing someone, too, to talk about food addictions and maybe help me through why I eat and have gotten to this weight. I hope I can find someone good like that and who I could talk easy and openly with. That is why I like Brenda’s idea about posting a new post to see where people went around my area!!
I hope you are feeling better and more positive about things. Sorry to hear you are not your perky self lately.
Thank you for your words of encouragement!! I really appreciate them!!
God Bless
Kellyj ~ Wow, are you glad you had to go to the counseling? I am glad you got your letter!!
Thanks for replying to my post too!! I value everyone that has taken their time to help me through this.
Eileen ~ I’m sorry you cried a lot during your evaluation. I am worried I might too. I need to learn to control my eating problem and I get emotional talking about it. So, I, too, will probably cry. I just might have to go through counseling first, I’m thinking. We shall see I guess.
WOW on the guy who went and ate a Big Mac after being released. I wouldn’t do that!! LOL I know what I’m in for and know what I have to do after, I just know the mind will play games with me soon about food. That does scare me.
Thanks for the invite to email you!! (I’ll keep that in mind)
God Bless you!!
Joy ~ I am hoping the evaluation will be the easiest thing I have to do for this journey!! LOL
Thank you for taking the time to reply to me!!
I am so glad I’ve found this place and so many nice people to help me and others through this.
God Bless you all,
Thanks again,

Highest weight: 309 pounds ~ October, 2009
PATS ~ Monday, February 22, 2010
RNY ~ Wednesday, March 3, 2010 ~ weight morning of surgery: 279 pounds
7 Months out to the date ~ Total loss of 100 pounds!! October 3, 2010: 179 pounds
February 1, 2011 ~ weigh 146 pounds
In the end I know it will make me a healthier, better person, but I wi**** wasn't so emotionally taxing. The good thing is I have been able to practice healthy coping habits and haven't been gorging on food to feel better, I have been walking a lot...alone, but the kids dad is supportive and watches them if I need a break.