Phych Evaluation
I got a call today from the Yipsilanti Bariatric center and I was told that she finally heard from our insurance and , yes, I do need a phych evaluation. She said I can go there but that is 3 hours away, but she also told me I can go to someone around my house. So, tomorrow I will be calling to make an appointment!! YEAH
But, I am now nervous. I don't talk well with people, I actually get really nervous. Especially when I am asked a question and I have to answer it right away. Like pop quizes in school ~ I froze. I am nervous.
What should I expect when I go to this appointment?
What kind of questions do they ask?
Should I be scared/nervous????
Why do insurance companies require this anyways?
Thanks in advance,
God Bless,

Highest weight: 309 pounds ~ October, 2009
PATS ~ Monday, February 22, 2010
RNY ~ Wednesday, March 3, 2010 ~ weight morning of surgery: 279 pounds
7 Months out to the date ~ Total loss of 100 pounds!! October 3, 2010: 179 pounds
February 1, 2011 ~ weigh 146 pounds
The insurance company and any clinic worth going to make you have some kind of psych eval. so they can be sure you are ready for this huge change in your life. If they rearrange your guts and you are someone who can't understand basic things or are not realistic about what you have to do, you could literally kill yourself by not doing what you need to do.
I would put out a message for people in your area that have had evals. and go someplace that others give high marks to. Even if you have to drive a bit, it will be worth it to find a good doc or center that will give you a good eval. and not monkey around.
Explain when you go that you are nervous, and they should understand that. You won't get denied surgery because of your social skills. They need to know that you understand what is going to happen to you and that you will follow instructions, that's all.
Don't worry about it. We all passed our psych evals, and we're all a few fries short of a happy meal!! LOL
I agree with Brenda. Just be honest, be sure to know about the type of surgery you are having since most psychs will ask if you know the risks & may ask you to tell them about the surgery, and be prepared to take a standardized test (most psychs use one: many use MMPI-2). I work in the mental health field & do evaluations. Even for me there was some anxietry about the psych eval. One tip: answer the question but don't volunteer or pad your answers. For example, if you are asked if your family supports the surgery, answer yes or no then don't say anymore. You'll be fine.
** sat in the waiting room forever
** went in and chit chatted with Dr. Williams (he did most of the talking)
** went to another room and watched a video (about what to expect emotionally post-op)
** went to another room, at a computer, answered 200 (or so) questions (alone in the room)
** sat in the waiting room forever while they got results from computer test
** went in and chit chatted with Dr. Williams again (he told me the results of the personality test which were so accurate it was a bit freaky - he told me I was stubborn, liked to be in charge and didn't like when things didn't go my way.)
** after that conversation he told me I was cleared for WLS and I was on my way.
** after I left he wrote my letter of approval and faxed it to Hurley before the end of the day.
** a week later I got my copy of the approval letter in the mail
ALL insurance companies require a psych eval. I think they are very important. They want to make sure you're doing this surgery of your own free will (not being pressured or forced by your doctor, spouse, etc.). They also want to catch any issues that might hinder your success like addiction to drugs or alcohol or eating disorders, etc. I have never heard of anyone being denied surgery based on the psyc eval. There have been some who are required do some a certain number of sessions with the doctor to deal with anything that might get ni the way... but after that, they are always approved for surgery.
Just be honest. Be as calm as you can and relax. Don't try to hide anything because the computerized questions are too good at detecting lies. It'll be alright. Afterward you'll kick yourself for being nervous about it. :-)
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The scale can measure the weight of my body but never my worth as a woman. ~Lysa TerKeurst author of Made to Crave
My Recipe Index is packed full of yumminess!
Visit my blog: Journey to a Healthier Me ...or my Website
The scale can measure the weight of my body but never my worth as a woman. ~Lysa TerKeurst author of Made to Crave
I believe she just wanted to make sure I was having the surgery for health reasons and not vanity and that I understood the risks of RNY. She also wanted to know what I thought my reasons were for getting so heavy.
I felt like it was a waste of my time, but apparently necessary for insurance.