Thursday Morning Coffee
Hey Y'all.
I'm still drinking some water, trying to get the last of this cottage cheese in. Yuck.
QOTD-My work. Things are so bad here, I'm not sure what to do. Common sense is telling me that things are getting really bad and we're headed for trouble. Since I'm the CFO (pretty fancy term for scapegoat) all of the problems that the owner has created are going to fall on me. I don't think I'd be able to find a job even close to what I make here, so I haven't thought about leaving. It stinks when just losing your job would be the easy thing to happen. Staying here and dealing with bills and irate vendors is going to be really horrible. What's sad is it isn't the economy that's hurting us, it's the mismanagement of the company. Ugh!!!
I'm still drinking some water, trying to get the last of this cottage cheese in. Yuck.
QOTD-My work. Things are so bad here, I'm not sure what to do. Common sense is telling me that things are getting really bad and we're headed for trouble. Since I'm the CFO (pretty fancy term for scapegoat) all of the problems that the owner has created are going to fall on me. I don't think I'd be able to find a job even close to what I make here, so I haven't thought about leaving. It stinks when just losing your job would be the easy thing to happen. Staying here and dealing with bills and irate vendors is going to be really horrible. What's sad is it isn't the economy that's hurting us, it's the mismanagement of the company. Ugh!!!
Sorry works going bad for you Brenda. I'm a medical office manager and Dr.'s are not the most educated people when it comes to business, so needless to say I've butted heads a few times over the years with different boss's, and as you know ultimately you gotta do what they say even if you don't agree. Oh well I guess that's why we get paid the big bucks LOL!!!! (some times, oh so not worth it!)
You don't have to have a lump to have breast cancer!
Inflammatory Breast Cancer
Hi Deborah! I had to comment on your rant! This is my daughter's rant too. It is why she rode her bicycle from East Lansing, MI to Washington DC. It was a bicycle rights thing. I didn't realize there are so many people unaware of the LAW. A bicycle has a right to part of the traffic flow lane . If it is not safe to share the lane, the car must give the bicycle the full lane. I learned this when I was taking drivers training. It must be they don't teach this any more.
It was funny to hear her take on my DH. She had to teach him the law by showing it to him in writing. At least he has an excuse, there was no such thing as drivers training when he was learning or a bicycle law
Even though he gave her a hard time about having a right to the road, he is the most considerate as his brother was killed by a car while riding a bicycle when he was six.
It was funny to hear her take on my DH. She had to teach him the law by showing it to him in writing. At least he has an excuse, there was no such thing as drivers training when he was learning or a bicycle law