best regards,
I'm sorry you haven't had the follow up care you needed.
I think you should start a thread to talk about this. Answering a pre-ops questions about general nervousness with a long post specific to your complaints about a center really isn't very helpful.
I think if you start a new thread and put your story out there it will be more beneficial to you and to other posters.
If you can't eat and you can't be seen there I would suggest you go to your PCP right away, before you get even more sick!!
I am looking in to after-surgery options as well, so I know how frustrating it can be!
Before I had this done I was called "functionally fat" had no co-morbities. I now have high blood pressure, 3 different anemias, new on set seizures due to not being able to maintain a potassium level. When I spoke with the supervisor today to make a complaint about their wonderful follow up care. I stated to her that I was dying from starvation. Her reply was "then you need to be seen" I understand about sticking up for your co workers and employee's but after the rudeness and being told that I did not understand a conversation, I am still wondering what part of "our doctors are surgeons and only see patients that reqyire surgery and that I would be wasting my time coming out there because I would NOT be seeing a doctor". I would not let them touch my dog. I did add to her that I am soooooo glad I work in a hospital and have a VERY BIG mouth.... if I can stop one person from going to that center for this surgery, then I feel I have mission accomplished. No one deserves to feel this way, or be treated this way. I am only 42 and get around like I am 92. There are alot of good facilites to have this done at, my strongest recommendation is to get a follow up plan in writing, that way it leaves no room for error or "misunderstandings"
For a while there I thought I had a hernia or a shifted diaphragm.....I had some chest x-rays that showed my bowel in different places. I took my chest x-rays to my surgeons office and asked him to look at those and my CT scans I'd recently had because I thought that was odd....mind you I really didn't have any symptoms (long story but I'm a cancer survivor and they saw spots on my lungs with those CT scans, so no one but me was really worried about my intestines, but me) my surgeon told my hubby (who was there for a post op visit.... mind you he never called me) that he wasn't concerned about what he saw!
Anyways, because I am asymptomatic, I've left him alone, but if I had pain or other symptoms he would hear from me loud and clear. Make no mistake of that. Like you I work in the medical field and know how they can brush off patients.
If you have a problem drive them nuts until they listen, this is your body, no one knows it like you. After 6 years w/ no other "hypochondriac" complaints they need to listen to what you have to say.
Good luck,
But I do have to say, I agree w/ Brenda, post this to another thread, you will get a better response, again., good luck.
You don't have to have a lump to have breast cancer!
Inflammatory Breast Cancer

It sounds like your surgeon made a huge HIPPA violation. We as employees are held to a high HIPPA standard, it's too bad some of the doctors seem to think that does not apply to them.
Unfortunately, there seems to be very few doctors that truely are there for the patients and not the extra dollar in their paycheck. A girl that used to work for my PCP stated that the staff and doctors were constantly told "If you want to make a profit, get "them" out in 10 minutes, if you want to break even take 15". I understand the "assembly line", but they really need to put caring back into curing. As patients, we are scared, as doctors they just see another dollar. I will say my PCP has done everything from his level that he can do. He has even called from his home as late as 10:00 at night to see how I was doing. A couple of weeks ago, I finally started really standing my ground, when the doctor came in the room I told him "have a seat, your not making a profit today" he sat and we talked. I will fight tooth and nail to get my patients what they need but I also finally realized that I was not fighting that hard for myself.
Over the last 6 years my complaints were not of a hypochondriac, I had 3 hernia repairs and gall bladder.
I am very technology challenged.....

dont sweat it, i had a consult with dr. katz, which is not barix its st. john oakland, and he is great. its just that at the time, he only did Open rny and was going to ny to work with a doctor on lap rny's.... he is good so you are in great hands.
everyone has a journey to share, mine just happens to be uneventful and im a barix patient.
290/190/160 TT done