Monday Morning Coffee
We used to have a creepy crawler but it broke. We never replaced it. I think he actually enjoys doing it himself. The backyard looks so much nicer when the pool is open. Do your doggies like to swim? My Bella is so funny, if you just hold her above the water - she starts to My Chi-wa-wa is a pretty good swimmer.
Ruby, our Beagle, is afraid of her own skin and won't go ANYWHERE near the pool, especially if we are in it. Rex, our mini-doxie, will tolerate it, if we put him in it, but he would never willingly go into the pool. Although, one time at the lake, we were floating in the boat and another boat passed us by with a dog in it and Rex jumped right out of the boat, barking at the other dog, swimming as fast as he could....trying to "catch" the other dog, I guess. It was funny watching my hubby trying to swim after him! was funny after he caught him and had him back to our boat!
It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are. ~e.e. cummings |
I cleaned as mush as possible a few weeks ago when everything melted. But this time, now it's all rained on and gross....hard to clean up. I think I'll get to work on it some today. I wish I could've on Friday but was gone all day Friday and it sits...waiting.
It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are. ~e.e. cummings |