I am sorry to hear of everything you have been through and glad you are on the road to recovery, finally. But your very first post was very unclear and people want to facts on those things expecially since they may consider him as a surgeon.. First of all he did what you wanted even though you were under weight and no other surgeon probably would have touched you, so there was a risk right there.. I feel that people don't educate themselves enough before choosing what to do. Did you do a ton of research before picking him as your sugeon??
Again, I am trying not to bash you on this but I work for 2 orthopedic surgeons, and they are very educated and highly trained in the procedures they do, but there has been a case or two where it seems whatever can go wrong with that patient goes wrong..and no matter how many 100's of the same procedures they do successfully you always here more about the one bad one.
You said he was found to be careless, which I believe you, but I also believe he has performed hundreds more procedures without incidence. Unfortunately this happened and you were the one to suffer, but all humans make mistakes and from what I understand this isn't going to stop him from performing more surgeries. Maybe it made him a better surgeon because of your case.
I am just sorry you had to suffer and hope you were compensated well for his carelessness and hope he learned a lesson from it all.