how was your day let me tell you about mine
Well my day started off rough up all night with a sick kid and then running around to doctor appointments all day. I went for my walk even know I was extremely tired. I have not been having any energy lately maybe because it is my time of the month. Anyway I am having a hard time cutting back over the last couple of days. I need to cut the calories now so I can have lap rny I do not want open rny. Hopefully tomorrow will be better I have faith I can and will lose the extra weight I need to before surgery. I am also waiting on the hospital to call me for my stress test appointment. So today is a little rough and I will be off tomorow with a sick kid and I pray my uptight manager understands I got a letter from my kids doctor. Enough of my day how was yours?
Just keep trying with the weight loss. You will have a much quicker recovery if they can do it Lap.
Good luck to you.
I wish I could stay home with him. Any clues on how to win the Lotto............. oh thats right, you have to play to even have a chance to win.
I am still trying to recover from my ileus last week. Apparently it is too soon to eat ceasar salad.
We write our own destiny. We become what we do.