a little of subject, but still on
I have had some problems and had been going trough sclerotherapy to help with not only weight gain but with the tyoe if "reflux:" that seems to plague me starting in early afternoon even if I haven't had any type of food, I have been working with Dr, Baker and we have tried Sclero to try and shrink the opening to see if it will help in the matterl So far, the reflux has started to diminish, out hopes are that with another treatment or two I may be PAIN FREE(didn't think I was going to be able t say that phrase for a long time but might be a factor in the near future,) A possible answer It also has had good side benefits- I have lost about 22 pounds since my first treatments. always a welcome blessing. If I could lode another 20 I would be happy with the weight I was at, I am able to exercise more due to not having the reflux and pain caused by my tempermental stomach and acid feeling. so-- am looking forward to the next scheduled sclero trestment, SClero does provie manty dofferent benefits. those of you lookig at it- dont sell it short,. It can be used for items outside of just wieght loss only or other sides of weight loss.,