Hello everyone, it has been a good long while since I last posted. Have had a lot of things going on in my life as well as loosing big time. I want to thank everyone who kept me in their prayer and thoughts as I underwent my wls. I have done pretty good I think.
I am one of the lucky ones as I have had no complications from the surgery it self. I have lost almost 75 lbs in 8 months which I know doesn't sound like a lot compaired to most. But when I consider that I haven't done any real exercise like I am suppose to I think it is great.
As I said I am lucky in that way but I also feel unlucky to the extent that I went into this thinking I would be able to adjust fine not be able to touch sugar ect ect but I was wrong there so now I am finding myself fighting myself over doing this whole thing the right way. Now that it is nice weather I am hoping to get on the ban wagon and get me rear end out there and exercise as I am suppose to and finish loosing the last 40-60 lbs I need to loose.
Well take care all and one again thanks for all the support I was given to make the right decision to have this done.