16 pounds by May 30
I know Glucophage works wonders with a no/low carb diet. Top it with a bunch of salads and camp out in the bathroom. Ta-da!....Salad Shooter!! (gross, I know...but funny!!)
I don't know if a dr will just prescribe Glucophage if you ask though. I got it when I was diagnosed with PCOS then I did a low-carb diet. I lost 15 lbs in less than 2 weeks.
One recipe I have sounds icky, but I mix tuna fish, green beans and cottage cheese and nuke it for about a minute. It reminds me of a tuna casserole. LOTS of protein and next to no carbs. DH can't even look at it.
Not sure if you will drop the whole 15 pounds but this mostly always works....Baked or grilled fish....And any green veggie you like. Plenty of water. I would tell you drink your protein shakes but I just cant stomach the taste anymore....And you have to exercise....As much Cardio as you can. If you do salads watch the dressings becasue of the calories.....Hope that helps