Itchy and welt easily???
I am just curious if anyone else has this problem. I have had it for a couple of years now. I get extremely itchy - especially my legs, but sometimes all over - and if I scratch I get welts really easily. I had a dr put me on Claritin (too much histamine in my system), but it didn't do any good. My therapist doesn't think it is psychological. None of the drs I have seen over the last few years were worried about it.
I just got to wondering if it may be weight related? It seems to be getting worse. Evenings are always worse and I am getting more get itchy spots along my jaw line (I do not wear make-up or use anything on my face other than moisturizer and I have changed brands several times). If it could be weight related, I will ride it out a bit more before seeking out a dermatologist.
I would have your doctor check liver enzymes. This is done through bloodwork.
My MIL has a liver disorder and her main symptom is itching!!! I am not trying to scare you but hearing your story just reminded me of her. She is not overweight so in her case it has nothing to do with weight. By the way she is an amazing woman. You'd never know her liver was "off" by spending time with her. She lives a normal life.
Keep us updated,
EEK! My mom passed away in July to liver cancer. (She was a heavy drinker for years though.) I've had 2 CBCs done recently - one thru the surgeon's office and one while I was pregnant. I am assuming that it would have included that, but I will find out. I am also pretty sure that my PCP did another work-up a couple years ago when I went to him about the hives. He's the one who put me on Claritin.