Bariatric ball for Hurley pt & friends
Hi Friends, Who all is going or thinking of going to the Hurley B. ball Apr 5? If you are you need to get your tickets a.s.a.p.! It is for Hurley pt and their family or friends. IF YOU HAVE DONE OR ARE ABOUT TO DO ALL THE HARD WORK YOU DERSERVE IT!!! Last year was wonderful; at the Bavariann Inn. The 2 buffets were great (hmmm for pt?); and the DJ was a blast! You will not be singled out or embarassed. You can have fun, meet friends; or keep to yourself. This year I am sure we will all have in our memories Dr Obied who started the program; and blessedly helped a lot of us! Just want to say if you miss this you are missing a lot of celebration and fun. Hope to see you there! Best wishes to everyones continued sucess and triumphs! Judy R
Pt. are free, 1st guest only $10, then $25 and worth every penny!
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The scale can measure the weight of my body but never my worth as a woman. ~Lysa TerKeurst author of Made to Crave